Chapter 41

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A/N: I REALLY enjoy writing love Symbol, but I really need something to do in between writing the chapters!

I was thinking I should either start a review book- meaning you submit your books and others to be reviewed and read by me, and I post a chapter specifically about it...


I start another MJ contest! Not like the Moonwalker awards that are already going on! I was thinking yes, you should still nominate, but I was going to get to small team of good writers together to judge the awards, instead of it being strictly nomination based.

Tell me what you think and which you would prefer... Or both! Comment here or up there if you want this!

Michael's POV

"This is the end guys," Skipper sniffles, balling up her third tear-soaked tissue. The bruise on her face glistens with wetness. "They're onto me, and they're going to find out. Soon." I grimace at her sweatpants, which have made a reappearance. Damned maids, they washed them for her, and now she's gone back to being an over-bathed cry baby.

Do I have to fuck her constantly to keep her happy? Well... now that I think about it, that wouldn't exactly be a problem.

Prince sighs, pacing back and forth. "Don't say that, darling." He squeezes his shoulder, and I almost gag at the level of paternal love shining in his eyes. It's disgusting. Now that Skipper is done outright disrespecting him, he must think they're gonna go back to the way things used to be when she was five. He's wrong... I hope.

"Don't pretend like it isn't obvious," She sighs with defeat, staring at the plate of carrots the maids set out for her. Fucking rabbit food, where's the beef? "I am here, I'm going to protect you." He stares into her wet eyes. "Oh, give me a fucking break," I can't stop myself from rolling my eyes this time. I can't take him trying to be 'Father of the year' right now.

"It's late Skipper, why don't we get some sleep?" "We? You've been down her throat for days, let her have some alone time." Prince's gaze is sharp and fatherly. I scoff angrily. Down her throat? More like down her pants, and I'm thinking if we go fuck right now, she'll feel better. "She needs me." "You should go home, Michael. She doesn't need a babysitter."

"Literally says the man who put her on Dorm Arrest," I shoot right back at him. "Skipper?" I look down at her expectantly, waiting for her to back me up like I know she will. She makes puppy eyes at Prince. "Please, Daddy?" I almost vomit on the marble floors. I expected her to simply defy him, but this is worse. 'Daddy'? Ugh, kill me. What is she, five years old again?

It works in an instant, though, and his eyes melt like butter. "Fine. It won't be like this forever. Get some rest." He kisses her hair, and she doesn't react except for to give him a small smile before he disappears from the room. "Who the fuck are you, and where did my rebel go?" Skipper is not a Daddy's Girl, and I don't want her to be one. Daddy's Girls don't have sex.

"Let's just go." She says quietly, and entirely pissed off, I follow her back to her bedroom.

She goes into the bathroom, and shuts the door before I can follow her inside. I hear the whirlpool bath running, and roll my eyes, knowing that it'll be a while before she's had enough crying and soaking. I take off my shirt, and sit on the edge of the bed to wait for her.

She emerges already changed into fresh clothes (to my dismay), and sits beside me on the edge of the bed. Her eyes are red-rimmed and swollen, and the tip of her nose has turned a bright crimson color. Poor thing. She sniffles softly, studying her hands without saying a word to me.

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