Chapter 24

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Michael's POV

"What?" She whimpers, while my vision turns a brilliant shade of red. Anger invades my body, rushing through me like an overflowing river after a long rain. She stands there trembling as my fists ball at my sides, as every sweet thought of her I was harboring escapes me.

She felt so good and warm in my arms as I held her, I loved how she would rest against me. I loved the sound of her voice as she murmured to me. I loved it all... until she told me she had a god damned paternity test, and waited until now to tell me the fucking results.

I walked around all this time, wondering, waiting, always knowing there would be some doubt, regarding the identity of the unborn baby's father. But she didn't, she knew it was me. She didn't even have the fucking decency to tell me now?

"That's right, bitch! You heard me!" I yell at her, as every head in the room turns in our direction. Kate's mouth caves as I continue my verbal assault. "All you ever do is flounce around New York like some fucking call girl, throwing yourself at every man who even looks at you! What kind of fucking slut gets pregnant at fifteen anyway!"

I can't stop, I know what I'm doing to her is wrong, airing her dirty laundry in front of everyone, again, but I can't stop. She's pushed me past my limit in a matter of seconds. "What kind of slut gets pregnant, and then has to get a freaking paternity test, at the age of fifteen! This is what happens when you fuck a grown man, right? When you whore yourself out to your boss!"

She backs away from me slowly. All the admiration she had for me in her face is gone now, replaced by sheer horror. Her shoulders shake, and she looks so fragile, like she'll break if she hears anything more. So I continue.

"You know what you are? You're just a call girl! A fucking call girl with Daddy issues who needs to be put in check! You walk around like you're so damned special, like you actually mean anything to anyone! Guess what? Wake up call! You don't! How could you wait all this time to tell me? How the hell is that even humane?"

Her lip trembles, her eyes are hazy with tears. "You disgust me! I can't fucking deal with you anymore, I don't want you, and you will never find anyone who will! You wanna know why your father left you? You forced him away! He didn't want such a damned whore for a daughter!"

I know right away that I have taken it too far, but I don't care. Her shoulders shake harder than before as she begins to cry, sob even, holding herself tightly. She backs away slowly, shaking her head at me as she falls apart. "I knew this would happen. It's why we never work. I am the water, and you are the oil. So stay away from me." She squeaks, turning and running from the room.

Immediately after, I feel the heat of over a hundred pairs of eyes giving me a death glare. I turn in slow circles, my chest heaving with anger. They all look at me like I'm some damn wounded deer, either that or as if I am the devil.

Once she is gone, I realize I am the devil. I took every single fear of hers and made it a reality, I took her kindness for weakness, I embarrassed her yet again. No wonder she fucking left me, I'm a damn mess. All I do is hurt her, again and again I make her nightmares come to life, and then expect her to come crawling back for more.

"Skipper!" I yell, running to leave the tent, and find my love. I'm an asshole for what I said to her, I know that, but my emotions are raging inside of me and I can't decipher them. All I know is that I need to fix this... fast.


Skipper's POV


That is the only word I can use to describe my emotions right now, and it's still an extreme understatement.

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