chapter 17

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authors note:

just wanted to thanks for reading and it would mean alot to me and babybarpy if you could read her book loves three sins,i have read it and its amazing! thanks this is only a short chappy sorry:)


It was maxes birthday again. Which made me realise I missed my birthday. I was not pathetic little 19 year old Lottie I was 20 year old pathetic Lottie.

“Happy birthday!” I said to max as he walked down the stairs sleeplessly.

“Thank you” he said

“There’s no chilli cake this time year In fact I ashamed all I got is a macaroni necklace.”

“I love it thanks” by now or voices were sounding really sarcastic.

Knock knock the door went.

Max answered it and came back with a small envelope.

“I don’t know who that was and I don’t know how he knows you here but there’s a letter for you”

Max and I just looked at each

“Oh my god I didn’t realise that was mysterious wasn’t it” Max said with complete shock

 He handed it to me

“Lottie I know you know I'm coming for you well you could make it easier for yourself but just meeting me in the forest”

“No Lottie you are not going we need to show this to the police”

“Why it doesn’t prove anything” I argued

“Well you not going”

“What else am I supposed to do?, all he wants to know is his future.”

“Yes and I'm sure if you don’t tell him he will... Kill you”

“And I can’t control when I want to see something”

“Ok well let’s wait”

Days past and another letter came through the door. He was obviously fed up waiting

‘I need you to tell me my future because I’ve murdered people and I need to know if I'm going to jail or hats happening to me or what to do. If you don’t do this I may kill you too or even your little ‘friend’ all you have to do is meet me in the forest. If you show this to the police I will find you”

“I need to go”

“He has just told you he is a murderer and you want to meet up with him more! Lottie are you crazy!”

“Or what! I just let him kill you; no this is my problem I need to do this”

“I am not letting you go we need to show this to the police it proves it!

“But it says not to”

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