Chapter 1

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Chapter 1


I read the last page of my favorite book and the feeling I get when I first read it was still there. I closed the book and remove my glasses.

I always been fascinating books ever since I was little. Whenever a new book comes out from my favorite authors, I would always beg to mom to buy it, but now that I'm older, I barely have time to buy new ones.

I'm here at the airport and I was a bit sad that my flight got delayed for four hours and I'm here sitting at a chair as many people come and go.

I always think that the airport could be the worst and best thing you'll ever be.

The worst thing is that you can watch them leave. Leave you with the memories that you've made.

But the best thing is that, you'll always know they'll come back. Wherever they are in this big world, if they truly love you, they'll come back. And you can make new memories. Together.

And that's the thing I want to happen when I get back.

My phone rang and I immediately answer it "Mom, my flight got delayed." I frowned. "What? What time will you be here?" She asks.

I look at my watch. "I think I might be there by 1 am, I think." I said unsure. "Will it be okay if dad will pick you up?"

"Yeah sure, bye mom." I said before I hung up. I was glad that the four hours was over and the flight attendant called us.


"Dad! I missed you!" I shout and hug dad tight. He hugged back. "I miss our Taylor," he says. I pulled away and dad take my bags.

"Let's get going so you could get some sleep for your brother's wedding," he said and we both went to the car.

I missed this place.

Dad started driving while I kept looking out the window. "Why'd you cut your hair?" Dad asked. I look at him and shrugged "Something I would never thought that I'd do too."

"How have you been?" Dad asked. "I've been good but sometimes I get a little lonely,"

"And New York? Is it great?" Dad asked and I smiled slightly "It's great. Even though every people there have their own busy lives," I said.

"I'm glad you could make it here."

"Me too, I missed you guys all so much. I can't wait to hug mom and Austin." I said and dad smiled.

Our house was a bit far from the airport so I looked outside. I decided to put on my earphones since dad decided to turn on the radio and listen to music from their generation.

"So you can keep me
Inside the pocket of your ripped jeans.
Holding me close until our eyes meet.
You won't ever be alone, wait for me to come home..."

Ed Sheeran's voice is the best thing I've heard. It's like he understands everyone of us.

I continue looking outside. Every place we pass reminds me of the things back when I was here.

Especially the times I was with a specific person.


I look at the picture on my bedside table. I smiled thinking of all the memories we shared together. Especially in this picture because this was taken back on the day where I kissed him on the cheek because mom told me to.

Ever since I left, all I could ever think was; Why did I left? Why did I break a promise? Why did I break a heart? An innocent heart.

I can never understand the definition of Love. It makes you alive but at the same time, it kills you. Piece by piece.

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