Chapter 9

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Chapter 9


After Taylor left my office, I called my secretary to reserve Taylor and I a seat at my favorite restaurant. She'll love it their because the place suits her style.

"And cancel any appointments I have at 7:00." I ordered. "Yes sir." She says before I ended the call.

"Nice view," Someone says which startled me. "Mrs. Reagan, it's not bad to knock you know?" I joked. She is a close friend of ours and especially in the business.

"I haven't seen this in years," she says as she looks out. "I'm glad that besides your 71 years of existence, you aren't scared of heights like this." I said and she giggles.

"What brings you here?" I asked.

"I saw that girl again." She says. "It's Taylor right?" She asks and finally looks at me. "Yes." I smiled.

She was the lady we met at the park years ago. Coincidence right? I never knew that her son was our business partner back then.

I kept bugging her about what she told Taylor that day but she never tells me anything. "You two should really get married." She giggles again.

"Someday," I smiled.

"Sir, the clients are here," my assistant barges in. "That's my cue, bye son," she says then left. I went outside and saw the clients waiting for me.

"Let's take a look around this building first," I said to them.

We all went outside and they seem to enjoy company.

I looked around and my eyes lock on something familiar, Taylor. She didn't go home yet? She waves at me and I smiled at her. I look away because someone asked me a question.

"Harry!" I hear her call while running towards us, I smiled at her until I realized a bus about to hit her.

I was shocked,


No, no, no! This cannot be happening right now! Why is'nt she moving, "Harry..." She somehow murmured.

I tried to reach for her hand but it's too late. My eyes widen as I look at her body in front of me. "T-Taylor..."

I run to her and held her close, "Taylor! Stay with me!" I cried. The crowd was now encircling us. "Someone call an ambulance!" Someone shouted.

All I care right now is Taylor, here in my arms. My tears continued falling as I held her, "H-Harry," her eyes slightly open, my eyes widen.

I held her hand and she holds me back weakly, "Shh.. Everything's gonna be okay. Just stay with me," I pleaded. "Please..." I whispered, my face inches from hers. "I- I love you still..." She says as she cups my cheek. Her eyes slowly closing and her breathing stopped.

"No, Taylor!" I can't lose her! Especially now that I promised myself to never let her go again.. Soon, the ambulance came and I told them to do everything for her to be alive.


"Harry!" Andrea shouts and run to me. "I-is Taylor okay? How could this happen? Oh my gosh--" she cries on Scott. "Harry son, tell me what happened." Scott says.

I open my mouth but I can't find words. "S-she- I-" I really don't know how to say it.

"My Taylor..... She can't leave us...." Andrea murmurs and I patted her back. "She'll be okay," I tried to reassure her but I can't even make myself the same.

"Harry's right honey, Taylor is a strong person right? She'll get through this," Scott says but her eyes says the opposite.

We were still waiting and we are sitting at these hospital chairs. It was not long until Andrea fell asleep. She must be tired of crying.

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