Chapter 7

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Chapter 7



"I wanna be last yeah, baby let me be your last.... Your last first kiss...."

"You're really good at writing love shits." Niall joked. "You are not making this any better." I hit his arm.

"Dude! I'm not a girl! Just sing that to her!" He complained. I scratched my head at his reply, "What the heck dude? I regret that I even ask for your opinion."

He puts his hands up in surrender, "Sorry bro," he said. "But you know Taylor, she'll always love what you do." Niall says in a dramatic voice. "Enough drama." I rolled my eyes and laughed.

"I better get going, I have something important to do today." He continued and picked up his pack. "I bet you're gonna hang out with that brunette I saw your with yesterday." I smirked at him.

He shrugged, "Maybe." Niall laughed. "Bye dude, gotta get goin'. Good luck with Taylor." he said and left. I'm left alone with my journal and guitar.

Niall thought me how to play it. I was glad I learned it because the song would'nt have that much life if I sung it without a guitar.

Nothing special's gonna happen, I just wanted to surprised Taylor with a song. I've knew the fact that we both love singing but I never knew about her writing skills until Andrea 'accidentally' told it to me.

I actually don't have that much interest in writing but I've learned and I started loving it. I made a few scratches of songs until this song.

I thought of her the whole time I'm writing it. I was glad I finished it fast because I wrote this after that special day.

A knock on my door startled me and I was greeted by my sister, "Gems? When did you get here?" I asked her while raising a brow.

"Hello to you too brother." She crossed her arms while smirking. I can't resist my sister so I went to her and gave her a small hug. "As much as I don't like to say it, I missed you..." She whispered.

"Ha! I win at this little 'resist' challenge you made." I teased her and mess with her hair. She rolled her eyes. "Whatever, at least I'm not stone hearted."

"Oh really?" I asked. "Yup," she said popping the 'p'. "Anyways, it's lunch time so you better get downstairs before I eat all of it." She said and instantly went downstairs.

I chucked before quickly following her and saw mum preparing our lunch. "Lunch is ready," she smiled. We started eating and I asked Gemma the same question.

"I came back because I needed to relax for a while.." She tries to explain calmly. "Why? Is dad treating you badly?" I asked.

Things with my dad has'nt been good lately. Gemma stayed with him for a while and studied in a different school. Now that she's back, I hope it's permanent.

"N-no.." She stutters and looks at mum. Mum gave her a reassuring smile and held her hand. "No need to worry about it Harry, we already took care of it." Mum smiles at me.

I just nodded my head even though I did'nt want to. I just want my sister back here, that's it. Mum can give us everything we need. And I promised the two of them that I'll get a proper job so they did'nt have to worry about anything anymore.

After lunch, mum went at someplace and Gemma slept in her old room. I decided that this was a good time to visit Taylor.

I made my way to their house and knock on their door. I was greeted by Scott and gave him a manly hug. "Hey Scott, Is Taylor here?" I asked.

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