Chapter 3

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Chapter 3



Andrea was busy cleaning their house when the doorbell rings. She stopped and open the door to reveal Harry. She smiled.

Taylor and Harry are almost inseparable since they met and now, they're 10 year olds. Andrea hopes that they will be together someday.

She likes the idea of having Harry's family be apart of theirs 'At least Harry's good but, let's see when they grew up.' She thought and remembered that Harry is in front of her.

"Taylor! Harry's downstairs!" Andrea shouts. Taylor ran downstairs and waved at Harry. "Let's play!" Harry said.

They both said goodbye to Taylor's mom as they went to the playground, riding their bikes. "Race ya!" I shout and went faster.

Taylor was the first to enter the park and she laughed about how sweaty Harry has become. "Not fair!" Harry said while pouting. Taylor just giggled as she took her helmet off.

"It's your fault! You're too slow!" Taylor said. "Let's just play," Harry said.

They both went on doing the usual stuffs they play here. "Wanna see something cool?" Harry asks Taylor. She nodded.

Harry took out what's in his pockets and started blowing bubbles. "That's not cool." Taylor said and Harry frowned. "Why not?"

"I already saw that," Taylor said and stuck her tongue out at him. "Whatever." Harry said and put it back in his pocket.

Taylor took out her favorite book from the basket of her bike and gave it to Harry "Read this, it's amazing." Taylor said.

"I'm not a book nerd like you," Harry teased and Taylor smack him with the book "At least reading is better than video games." Taylor said.





"Fine, fine. You win." Harry says and Taylor smiles in victory. "Since I won, you should read that." Taylor said.

They both end up being home late and scolded but it's worth it.

This time, Harry stayed at their house overnight and Anne agreed. They built forts and played pretend.

The two were wearing their own made crowns and pretended that they're the king and queen. They played and never looked at the time.

Harry gave Taylor a piggyback ride and they would go around running in the house where there giggles are heard by Taylor's parents.

Andrea was awaken by it and looked at the time, 12:38. She shook her head and rubbed her eyes. She went out their bedroom only to find Harry and Taylor still wide awake.

Andrea came to them and. "It's bed time, it's pretty late for you two to be still awake in this hour," she said while yawning.

"But mommy, we still wanna play!" Taylor pouts. Andrea take her hands out and the two grabbed it. They went to Taylor's room where they're sleeping bags are ready.

"You can play tomorrow, but right now, time for bed." Andrea said and tucked the two of them.

"Good night," she said before turning the lights off and closing the door slowly.

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