Chapter 5

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Chapter 5



"Harry! Get back in here!" Taylor shouts as I continue running while I'm holding her phone. "You're always on your phone!" I shouted back.

I stopped running when I saw her stopped. She catches up her breath and I felt guilty for making her run. I went near to her and hand her her phone. She gladly accept it.

I put my hands in my pockets and started walking away. "Harry?" She asks. I kept silent and continue walking.

She walks faster then blocks me, "So now you're not talking to me? Challenge accepted." She said. She was about to turn around but I held her hand and pull her into me.

I kissed her and she does'nt back away. "I'm just curios, maybe your texting that guy you were talking to earlier. It's a weird feeling." I said.

"Your jealous." She stated. I sighed and nodded my head. I don't know how that made her smile brighter than usual. I look at her with furrowed eyebrows and asked, "What are you smiling for?"

"I'm just glad," she grinned. "C'mon," she said and intertwined our hands. "Who were you texting first?" I asked. "That guy I was talking to earlier, he's funny." Taylor laughed.

My eyebrows furrowed again. "My knock knock jokes are better than any of his stupid jokes." I said. "Nah," Taylor said and laughed.

"Stop laughing and tell me the truth!" I practically beg. "I was texting Abby! She just told me that I should not forget her birthday. Happy?" Taylor said, frustrated.

I smiled like her smile earlier and said, "I believe you."

"I love you." She randomly says. "I love you too. But right now, we'll be late for class." I kissed her forehead. We walk to our next class.


"Taylor, is it okay if you stay for dinner?" Anne asked. "Sure mom," Taylor said. I'm happy that Taylor calls my mum the same thing.

"Great! I'll cook yours and Harry's favorite!" Mum says and left to go to the kitchen. I sat on the couch and Taylor lays her head on my lap. She took out her phone and I rolled my eyes.

"Abby is still texting you? I know she does'nt text much," I said. Taylor smiled "Relax Hazz, I'm only playing." She giggled and showed me her phone.

"What's his name by the way?" I asked. "It does'nt matter. I have no interest in him." She shrugged. "You might have no interest in him but I think he has on you," I pointed.

Taylor sat down and looked at me, "You gotta stop this jealousy thing. I love you and only you," she said. "Fine, but-" "No buts!" She cuts me off.

"You know why I'm glad?" She asked "Why? Is jealousy a good thing to you?" I joked. "Nope," she giggled "I was glad that you are afraid of losing me." She says.

I smiled and held her hand. "I'm always afraid of losing you. I'll always find a way to get back to you," I said.

"Yeah... I remember when we were almost close to breaking up," she said. "Don't bring that up, I want to forget it. Like it never happened." I smiled.

"Well, you can't stop me from reminicsing it," she stuck her tongue out. I pinched her nose and she crinkled. "Don't be childish," she laughs. "Same to you," I said.

"Taylor, Harry, Dinner's ready." Mum says. She smiles looking at us. Taylor and I stand up and went to the dining area.

Taylor and I sat next to each other and started eating. "This tastes good Anne," Taylor said. "Thank you sweetie." Mum says.

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