Chapter 10

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Chapter 10


"Harry, today's the funeral.." Mum says, barging in my room. "Why aren't you dressed yet?" She asks.

I stayed silent. I ignored her.

Ever since that day, all I could do was cry. I can't barely sleep. She's haunting me in my dreams. Last night, I saw her in my dreams again, it felt so real.

I felt mum walk to me and she rubbed my back like it could make everything better. "Harry, Taylor was very special. She is like a daughter to me. Her words are very inspiring." She says.

"Was," I said.

"I wished that love didn't fail you too," she says and that made me look at her. She still look the same, except the tears escaping in her eyes.

"Mum, love never failed me." I said. "Taylor loved me as much, it's everything I could ever ask for." I continued.

"Yeah? Then why won't you come with me? Taylor's parents are also waiting for you." She says. I looked away.

"I can't mum." Was the only words escaped my mouth. "I know how you feel. But I didn't know that it could damage you this far," she says.

"Are you going?" Mum asked.

I didn't say anything.

Somehow, I heard her sigh before slowly closing the door. I continued looking outside my window and hoping I wasn't here.

After those news, I never saw Taylor again. I couldn't bare seeing her like that. Some say I'm crazy but honestly, I don't care what they say.

My life hasn't been normal. Stress on work, me never leaving my room. Everything's a mess.

I don't know what she did that made me like this. 'This isn't me,' I'd thought.

I close my eyes and imagine her presence beside me. The way her hand fits mine, the way she would lean her head in my shoulders.

I felt numb and she's the only touch I could ever felt.

It's like she's really here.

My eyes wander at my desk, where her letter was laying opened. My feet made it's way towards it and I hold the letter.

Why couldn't we just be together? Be happy? Why did this have to happen.

I look at the photograph that's beside the letter. It was me and Taylor when we were still kids.

She gave me the best memories I could ever wish for.

Her love was like the air; it made my heart beat as long as she's there.

I then felt her hand in mine. I feel her every time that I remember her. It's like her soul is within me; still with me.

She lives in my imagination, my dreams. She's everywhere. It hurt me more to think of my own situation. Does she want me to follow her?

Even at the consequences of it, I do want to follow her. There, we could be together. Nothing can ever break us two again. Nothing. The struggles we had could just be a memory we'd wish to forget.

I reread her letter everyday. It's been a routine that I could never miss. Those words are the only thing I have left of her,

Dear Harry,

I missed this, we used to write letters to each other a lot when we were 18. You might not notice but, most of them were lyrics that I had written for you. I wonder, do you still keep them? Cause I do. I took it with me when I left. I would reread all of those to make myself a little better.

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