Chapter 6

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Chapter 6


This is it. Today is the the day I'll see Harry again. The words he left me kept bugging in my head the whole time.

I wonder what will he tell me?

Maybe he'll ask about everything. But am I ready to say it to him? I should be ashamed of myself for leaving him.

"Taylor, will he pick you up or I'll drive you there?" Dad asked. "He'll pick me up dad," I smiled. Dad smiled back and mom comes in. "I have'nt seen that smile in a while," mom says as she fix my hair.

"Do I really smile...... Less?" I asked mom seriously. Her face expression changed from what I had just asked. It must really be a hard question because even I could'nt answer it.

Silence takes over us as I check my phone, expecting a text from Harry. "I'll leave you two girls here," dad said and left my room. Mom turns to me, "So, what will you two talk about?"

"I don't know either mom," I answered. "Are you really ready to talk to him?" Mom asked and I stared at the floor for a while.

She must be thinking that I'll tell him my deepest secrets. It's because I can't tell them even to my parents. She's been telling me that she'll help me with whatever problem I have.

I don't want to confuse mom. I mean, she is my mother and it's not new for daughters to gossip everything with their mothers. But I'm different.

"I still can't tell anyone...." I mumbled but I knew mom heard it. She played with her fingers, "Taylor, I'm your mom. It bugs me every single time you won't tell me anything. It hurts knowing I can't help my daughter. That I can't fight fo her," she said.

She's crying by now. Small sobs escape her lips "If it hurts that bad to you, how do you think I would feel?" She continued. A tear escaped my eye.

I'm used to being hurt. But I don't ever wanna see mom cry.

"Mom, I'll tell you... When I have enough courage to do it.." I said. She went to me and instantly hugged me, I returned the hug and tried to stop her from crying.

But I failed by doing it too.

After a long hug, we pull away and she smiles at me this time. "I'm sorry for that, I just could'nt help but say what I feel. I know you understand it, you're a grown woman Taylor." Mom rubbed my cheek.

"Thank you mom..." I said. "Back to the topic, has he texted you yet?" Mom asked. I shook my head, "I'll wait for his call."

"Okay, tell him that your mom and dad say hi." Mom says before leaving my room. I wiped away my tears and fix myself again.

My phone rings and I answer it, "Hello?" I asked. "Taylor, I feel terrible for saying this but, maybe we could meet there? I forgot that my car was scheduled on repair today..." Harry reasoned.

"It's okay Harry. I'll meet you there." I smiled reasurringly even though I know he can't see it. "I'm so sorry," Harry says. "I'll meet you later," he said and I hung up.

I went downstairs and told mom that I'll be on my way, "Be careful Taylor," mom smiled. "I will mom." I smiled back.

I walk my way to the cafe because it's only a walking distance from our house. As I was walking. I could'nt help but enjoy this feeling.

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