Chapter 2

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Chapter 2


"Taylor! Breakfast is ready! Wake up!" Mom says. I sat on my bed and stretched "What time is it?" I ask.

"It's 7:45 and your dad is gonna be late at work because he wants us to have breakfast together." Mom said.

"Why is it raining early in the morning?" I mumbled.

We both went downstairs and dad was reading some newspapers.

"Finally," he mutters and put the newspapers away. I sat next to dad as mom puts my breakfast in my plate. "Thanks mom," I said and started eating.

My parents kept asking me about how my life was in New York and I kept telling them about how great the people are. "You've always dreamed of living there," mom said.

I just smiled and continue eating.

Dad was a fast eater so he kissed our cheeks before going off to his work. After finishing breakfast, I helped mom do the dishes.

"You don't have any plans today?" Mom asks while I wipe my hands with a towel. "Just this Wednesday," I said while smiling.

He texted me earlier this morning saying that he couldn't wait to catch up and everything. I texted him back saying I did too and I couldn't wait to see him again.

I never knew that he'll still got this affection on me.

"Ohh... Who is it?" Mom asks "Harry." I said "Harry? As in Anne's son?" She asked and I nodded. "Where'd you saw him?" Mom asked.

"At Austin's wedding." I shrugged "Wow, you two must be destined." Mom teased me and I felt my cheeks heat up.

"Mom," I whined. Nothing's changed when I'm with my family. I'm still their 'Little Girl' as they call it. "I'm okay with Harry. Just don't marry too early. Your brother just got married and I can't imagine what my reaction would be if you did too,"

"I haven't seen him in a long time! I bet he's change or something," I mumble the last sentence.

"Oh please! I bet you can't wait till he ask you to be his girlfriend." Mom teased. She laughs while I cross my arms and pretended that I'm mad.

What she said was a bit true but I'm not that kind of girl anymore. "Am not, I've grown up mom." I said. She went to hug me and I hug her back. "I thought you never wanna grow up?" Mom said when we pull away.

"Stop teasing me," I laughed. "I just missed you so much Taylor," mom said. I hugged her again. "I miss you too. So much mom."

"Do you miss Harry so much too?" Mom said with her 'teasing laugh'

"I'm gonna go upstairs so you can stop teasing me," I said while grinning and head my way upstairs.

I look at my night stand and saw that picture. After all these years, this picture is and will always stay here. I wouldn't let this be taken away because this is how we became closer.

I reminisce the times when we were little... When you're young, you just run around, but you always come back to what you need.


Taylor was playing alone in the playground, not bothering about all the kids around her except the Barbie doll she's holding.

"Taylor, I'll get your brother some food. Stay here okay?" Andrea, Taylor's mom said to her as Taylor replied with a cheerful "Sure mom!"

Andrea went to the nearest store to buy Austin the candy that he whines about. Andrea bought it and then started walking back to her children until she was called by someone.

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