Chapter Five

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After a little bit of walking, the rain had stopped and we took to sitting on a bench in a park near his flat building. I looked at the ground before looking to my right to Charles. "Why did you come find me before?"

"I'm telepathic just like you. I was near by and I could feel how... how should I put this..." He paused, wringing his hands together. "How strong and out of control your mind was. So I figured I would come and at least offer help.."

"And you finding me at the diner?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Now that  was just a coincidence." He chuckled, patting my thigh with his hand. "I'm not that creepy, Beth."

I looked down at his hand as it went back to clutching the bench, still feeling the warmth his hand left on my thigh. "Never said you were."

He shook his head and leaned back on the bench. "I'm glad you decided to trust me."

"I never said I trusted you, Charles." I said smirking.

"But you do." I opened my mouth to say something, but he continued talking before I could. "I can tell that by the way you're talking to me, I didn't look into your mind to see that." Charles gave me a small smile. "You're not very hard to read, Beth. Your body language at least."

"I've been told differently.." I sighed, standing up and stretching with my arms over my head. "It's getting late..."

"It is." He nodded, standing up as well. "We should get going."

"You never told me where we were going..Where I was going to stay?" I questioned, putting a hand on his shoulder to stop him from walking further away. "I...I can't stay with you and your sister. You two wouldn't be safe."

"We have an extra room. Beth you can't isolate yourself forever." Charles said, turning to face me. "You'll be fine."

"Charles, no. I just met you. You could be a serial killer for all I know." I said backing away from him. "This was a mistake, I should just go home..."

"Look into my mind, Beth. I'm not going to hurt you." He said softly.

"I can't.. I've tried before, I-I'll end up hurting you." I said while still backing away, resulting in me tripping on a tree root.

Charles rushed over and got on his knees in front of me, causing people to stare. "Are you alright?"

I gave a quick nod and pushed his hands off of my shoulders. "I'm fine don't worry about it."

He then took my hands in his and looked into my eyes, his bright blue meeting my brown. "You won't hurt me. This will be step one of training."

"Charles... I can't-"

He cut me off by squeezing my hands. "Beth. I assure you, you won't hurt me. Trust me." He then slowly put my hands on his temples and held them in place there.

I looked at him, my eyes full of worry. "I'm trusting you with this..."

"That's all I want." He smiled and I closed my eyes, tilting my head as I felt a strange sensation start up in my head. Suddenly flashes of a blue child with red hair came into view. I smiled as I watched a young Charles offer the girl a home.

"You invite every girl a place to stay?" I asked with a smirk, still looking into his mind.

"Only when they're in need of one." He said softly.

Before I could react, his hands were on my temples and he was the one in control now. "Charles-" I was cut off as the memories of my family being murdered were flashing before my eyes. I could hear myself screaming in the memory and suddenly tears were falling down my face. My brother's cold and vacant eyes were staring back at me while my mother gasped for breath next to my father's mutilated body. "Charles.." I gasped. "Charles please stop.." I pleaded, putting my hands on his and breaking out into a full sob.

The images faded and I opened my eyes to see his own were filled with tears.

"Beth, I had no idea it happened that way, I'm so sorry.." Charles apologized, putting his forehead on mine and wiping my tears away. "I'm sorry.. I shouldn't have done that."

I shook my head and forced a smile. "We're one step closer to finishing my understanding of my ability." I said, pulling my head away from his and standing, offering him my hand to help him up.

Charles looked at me oddly but nodded, gesturing to walk next to him. "And soon you won't need me around." He chuckled. "I bet you can't wait for that."

I smiled and looked at him. "That's the day I throw a party."

We continued our walk to his flat in silence. It wasn't an awkward one, it was quite comfortable.

I thought back to the memories he had seen...

That was behind me now..

"But what you did to those men.. That doesn't define who you are."

Charles's words from when we first met replayed in my head.

"You mustn't lament over the loss of your family."

And he was right... I had to move on. I had to for me to gain control...

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