Chapter Six

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Four months have passed since I left Scott, and though I miss him terribly, I've grown closer to Charles and Raven. Raven -who I learned was the blue child from the memory I saw- and I got along amazingly just like Charles predicted.

We had just gotten out of his presentation, and we were now at a pub getting drinks. Well... Charles was getting drinks. Raven and I were sitting at a table with colas since we were underage. He was currently chugging down a very large amount of alcohol with a crowd cheering around him.

Now that he had finished, the people around him were cheering, and he was shouting out in victory. I looked to the side at him and smiled when he winked at me while walking over to the table Raven and I occupied.

"I'm so proud of you!" Raven said giggling, hugging him tightly.

"That's one hell of a trick. Maybe next time I can take you on?" I joked, patting his shoulder.

"I might take you up on that offer." He paused, looking at mine and Raven's empty glasses. "I need another drink, you two need another cola." He then walked away leaving Raven to smirk at me.

"What?" I asked, returning my eyes to my book.

"You and Charles seem to be getting along well." She said wiggling her eyebrows.

I sighed and closed my book, setting a napkin inside to save my page. "Look, we're just friends, Raven. Must you always assume that there's something more whenever him and I interact?"

She nodded and looked over to the bar. "Oh boy."

"What?" I asked turning my head to follow Raven's gaze. I saw Charles talking to a woman at the counter and I shrugged. "Why oh boy? He always does that, doesn't he?" I asked, looking towards her.

Suddenly, Charles and the woman began walking over here and I rolled my eyes, pushing back the small twinge of jealousy I felt.

"Raven, Beth. This is Moira. Moira, Raven and Beth." He said, taking his seat next to me and Moira taking the one next to Raven.

"Hello." I said with a small smile, tucking my book into my satchel. "You're here about Sebastian Shaw..." I could see her memories without even trying to look. She was pretty much an open book for mutants like Charles and I... We should probably fix that.

Charles shot me a look. "Beth here must have excellent hearing seeing as we were talking about that at the bar."

Moira looked between the two of us with wide eyes. "I never told you it was about Shaw.."

I smirked. "Lucky guess, I suppose."

She sighed and looked at the table. "The kind of mutations that you were talking about in your thesis-- I need to know if they may have already happened. In people alive today." Moira said, looking towards Charles while I looked into her mind again. Charles must have been doing the same thing because she sighed once more. "Professor? I think we should just talk when you're sober. Do you have any time tomorrow"

"Something tells me you already know the answer to your question. This is very important to me, and if I can help you, I will do my utmost" He paused giving her a small smile before looking to me. "I'm sure Beth is sorry for her behavior."

Moira nodded and left the table, leaving our original trio. Raven was chuckling looking between Charles and I. "You two are pathetic."

"I didn't do anything." I pointed out, standing as well and slipping my jacket on before slinging my satchel over my head. "All I did was-"

"Beth, she knows about mutations. We don't want her to know about your abilities, or mine or Ravens, until we know this is a safe thing." Charles cut me off and put on his jacket as well.

"I looked into her mind, she's harmless." I said rolling my eyes and hooking my arm with Raven's.

"Just be glad she didn't say 'Mutant and Proud'" She grumbled, referencing the woman we met in the pub last night. 

"Well I don't think she would, Charles wasn't flirting with her and saying she had a mutation." I chuckled, shoving his shoulder with my own.

"Haha, girls, very funny." He mocked, pushing my shoulder again.

"What did you say again? Ah 'It's a very groovy mutation.'" I teased, giving him a tongue through teeth smile.

"You, missy, are going to get it." He threatened jokingly.

I unhooked my arm from Raven's as I charged towards Charles and jumped on his back. "Now you have to carry me the rest of the way as punishment."

"This isn't exactly a punishment." He said, hoisting me up so I wouldn't fall.

"Yeah you two totally don't like each other." Raven interrupted, shaking her head while smiling in disbelief.

A/N: HELLO MY FABULOUS READERS!! Are you enjoying the story? Any suggestions? Feel free to comment, favorite and add to your library! Happy late New Year and Holidays!! - Em

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