Chapter Seven

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I awoke to the sound of someone knocking on my door and I groaned while rolling over and pulling the blanket over my head. I heard the door open and shut and then footsteps coming towards my bed. "Beth. You have to wake up." A voice I haven't heard in a long time said. I pulled the blanket off of my head and saw Scott kneeling next to me on the bed and smiling. "Morning."

"Scott...? How did you-"

"I'm here to finish what they started..." He mumbled. Before I could react, his hands reached to his left and he pulled out a gun. I was giving out an ear piercing scream as I felt the bullet go through my heart, slowly killing me. "YOU DON'T DESERVE TO BE SAFE!" He shouted at me while tears fell down my cheeks and I weakly reached towards him.

"Scott.." I breathed, the pain unbearable. "Don't do this..."

He gave a low and emotionless chuckle. "What choice do I have? Better to get rid of you now before you can hurt me in the future, right?"

"Beth?" A voice called

"Scott, p-please..."


I awoke and shot up screaming before being engulfed into someones arms. Tears were streaming down my face and my body was beaded in a cold sweat.

"Beth..." The voice of Charles spoke after a few moments of silents and it was then I realized I was in his arms.

"Charles, I-" I choked on my sobs and I clung onto him tighter. "Scott, he-"

"I know. Your thoughts were very loud.. I'm so sorry Beth, I know you don't like when I do that." He whispered, rubbing up and down my back slowly. "Beth, I need you to know that he would never do that to you.."

I pulled back and shook my head. "You don't know that."


"No! You don't know that! For all you know he could...." I paused and I closed my eyes and another tear fell. "How do you know?" I asked softly.

"Because when we first met I looked into your mind and saw him..." He wiped the tears away from my cheeks with the pad of his thumb and he gave me a small smile. "He would never attack you unless you attacked him first, which I doubt would ever happen."

I looked up at him and sighed. "I guess."

He pat my shoulder and then looked at his watch. "Moira will be here in five minutes.."

I groaned and put my head in my hands. "Don't suppose I can arrive late?"

Charles chuckled and shook his head, standing up and heading towards the door. "No. You showered last night, just get dressed and brush your teeth." He then winked at me before leaving the room, clicking the door shut behind him.

I closed my eyes before getting out of bed and going over to the little bag I had filled with my clothes. I settled on a grey top and a black leather jacket with tight fit jeans and boots.

"Beth, fancy pants is here." Raven said entering my room and laughing at the nickname we settled on for Moira when we got home last night. Charles disapproved, of course, but Raven and I still decided to use it.

I grabbed my satchel and Raven rose a brow. "What?"

"Nothing, Bethany. Nothing at all." She said while patting me on the shoulder and shoving me towards the door.

"You know that's not my name, right?" I asked. This was the second time she's called me Bethany, and it made me annoyed sometimes because that isn't my name.

"Of course I do, your Royal Highness." She smirked at me and I rolled my eyes.

"Just because I'm English doesn't mea-"

"Yeah, yeah. I know."


"The advent of the nuclear age may have accelerated the mutation process. Individuals with extraordinary abilities may already be among us. Thank you very much." Charles spoke from his spot at the table in the meeting room we were currently sitting in.

The senator rolled his eyes and looked to Moira who was sitting next to me. "MacTaggert, you really think that some crackpot scientist is gonna make me believe in... In Sparkly dames and vanishing men? You just brought yourself a one-way ticket back to the typing pool." He then looked around to the rest of the men at the table. "This meeting is over"

Moira stood but I pulled her back into her seat by her arm. "Sit down." I then looked over to Charles. "You called it. They don't believe us." I then looked to the senator. "But they're wrong in doing so."

Charles nodded. "I didn't really expect you to believe me, given that all you could think about during my presentation was what sort of pie they were serving in the commissary. It's apple pecan." He paused and looked to Moira. "We haven't been entirely honest with you, Moira, I'm sorry. You see, one of the many spectacular things my mutation allows me to do is that I can read your mind."

The agent sitting at the corner of the table, Stryker, shook his head and rolled his eyes. "I've seen this before in a magic show. Are you gonna ask us to think of a number between one and ten now?"

The man looked at me and I could see Charles smiling out of the corner of my eye. "Or I could ask you about your son, William. You were just thinking about him, right? How sweet." I turned to Raven. "Isn't that sweet?"

"Very sweet." She returned, crossing her arms and smiling at the senator.

I smiled and turned back to him. "But I think Charles would rather prefer if I ask you about the Jupiter missiles America are currently placing in Turkey." 

The men around us looked at me in disbelief and one of them shot out of their seat. "She's a goddamn spy! Her and the man! You brought goddamned spies into this facility!" He shouted at Moira.

She shook her head. "I did not! I would never bring spies in here!" She shouted while pointing to Charles.

Everyone in the facility began to shout at each other, and Raven who had enough of it, shot out of her seat and turned into Agent Stryker.

Everyone went dead silent and Moira looked over, her eyes widening. She then went back to her natural blue form and I smirked, turning to look at the men in awe.

"How's that for a magic trick?" Charles asked, breaking the silence.

"Best I've ever seen..." The man sitting in a chair by the door spoke. I looked into his mind and found out his name was Lester. (because he literally has no name in this movie...)

The senator remembered what this meeting was about and spoke up. "I want them out of here. And locked down until I can figure out what to do."

Lester shook his head and stood from his chair. "My facility is off-site. I'll take 'em."

A/N: Hello! I named him Lester because his name on IMDB and on the official transcript is literally "Man in black suit" and I don't really want to refer to him as that throughout the whole story... Comment! Favorite! Enjoy! :) - Em

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