Chapter Fourteen

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It was now day time and we were all sitting outside awaiting the return of Moira, Erik and Charles. My head was on Alex's shoulder, my eyes closed just wishing that last night had never happened.

The sound of a car on the pavement caused my eyes to open. I stood and watched as Erik and Charles made their way over to us.

"Raven, Beth!" Charles exclaimed, quickly engulfing both of us into a hug.

I looked over at Erik and held my hand out. He sighed and took it, giving it a light squeeze. After I moment I smiled and let go.

Charles released Raven and I from the hug and turned to the rest of the group. "I've made arrangements for you to be taken home." He announced.

"We're not going home." Shawn said.

"Alex is not going back to prison." I stated, backing away from him. "He killed Darwin."

"All the more reason for you to leave. This is over." Charles fought back.

I scoffed and shook my head. "This isn't over, Charles. Not even remotely!"

"Darwin is dead, Charles... And we can't even bury him." Raven pointed out.

"We can avenge him." Erik spoke after a moments silence.

"They're just kids." Charles argued.

"No. They were kids. Shaw has his army. We need ours." Erik explained.

"We'll have to train. All of us. Yes?" Charles asked.

I looked at them and shook my head. "That's great but where do we go? We can't stay here. Even if they re-opened the place... It's not safe for us here. We have nowhere to go." I said.

Charles and Raven smiled. "Yes we do."


"This is yours?" Shawn asked after we all stepped out of the car and were looking at the large mansion in front of us.

Charles shook his head. "It's ours."

"Honestly Charles, I don't know how you survived. Living in such hardship." Erik said sarcastically.

I chuckled and Raven wrapped an arm around Charles. "Well, it was a hardship softened by me."

Erik pat me on the shoulder and we all walked into the house.

A/N: This is only short because after that, it moves into their training and I didn't want to provide another time skip. Adios!

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