Chapter Sixteen

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"Remind me again why we're watching this?" I asked, looking out the window to Charles, Hank and Shawn.

"Who knows," Erik paused to look at me. "Something funny might come out of it." He then smiled and looked back to the trio.

"I have a bad feeling about this." Raven mumbled.

"What don't you have a bad feeling about?" Alex asked.

"Don't start unless you two want to get thrown out this window. Now hush he's about to do it." I hissed out.

"Now,  remember. Scream as hard as you can." Charles explained to  Shawn as he  was wearing the homemade wings Hank gave him to assist his  ability.

"You  need the sound waves to be supersonic. Catch them at the right  angle  and they should carry you." Hank added to  Charles's explanation.

"They should carry me. That's reassuring." Shawn breathed out sarcastically.

"Good luck and don't forget to scream." Charles reminded him.

Shawn then spread his arms and leaned off of the windowsill only to let out a pitiful scream and face plant into the bushes.

"Told you." Erik whispered to me as we chuckled.


"Beth you need to focus!" Charles pleaded. "You need to focus if we're ever going to get this right."

"I don't even know what you want me to do, Charles." I admitted.

"Your capability of flight." He explained while running a hand through his hair, annoyed that I wasn't paying attention the first time.

I sighed and nodded. "Right." I then tried to focus on something useful only to for some reason think about my family being slaughtered in front of me. I felt a tear fall down my cheek and Charles turned to me, wiping the tear away with this thumb.

"How about we don't work on this right now..." He offered.

I shook my head and pushed him away gently. "I can do this, I'm fine." Before I knew it, I had pushed off the ground and I was in the air, a purple cloud sort of thing under my feet and hands. "I'm doing it!" I flew around him and smiled.

"You did it!" He said while returning the smile.

I dropped down in front of him and gave him a hug. "Thank you." I whispered, kissing his cheek before walking away.

"What was that about?" Alex asked as I passed him. He had a smirk on and I rolled my eyes before knocking him to the ground.


"You truly believe I'll fly this time?" Shawn asked while looking down to the ground as we were on top of the satellite.

Charles nodded. "Unreservedly."

"I trust you." Shawn breathed out.

"I'm touched." Charles said while smiling.

Shawn then looked to Hank. "I don't trust him."

That caused me to breath out a laugh.

"Say nothing." Charles said to Hank.

"I'm gonna die!" Shawn exclaimed.

"You're not going to die, Shawn! If you fail to fly, I can just get you before you hit the ground." I explained while giving his back a reassuring rub.

"Wow you should be a motivational speaker." He responded sarcastically.

"All right. Look, we're not going to make you do anything you don't feel comfortable doing." Charles explained.

Erik looked to me and I nodded. We then both pushed Shawn off of the satellite. It apparently worked because he was now flying around us. I gave Erik a high five and I couldn't help but smile.

"Erik, Beth!" Charles said giving us a disapproving look.

"What?" I asked while chuckling.

"You know you were thinking the same!" Erik said defending us. (This part in the movie was so freaking cute)


We were all now sat in the living room watching Kennedy's speech on the Cuba missile crisis on the television.

"That's where we're going to find Shaw." Erik announced.

Alex turned to look at him and he shook his head. "How do you know?"

I bit my lip and readjusted myself on the couch. "Two super powers facing off? He wants to start World War Three, Alex. He won't leave anything to chance..." I explained.

"So much for diplomacy." Erik hissed. He then looked to Raven, Alex, Shawn, Hank and I. "I suggest you all get a good nights sleep."

They nodded and stood to head upstairs while I showered and walked in the kitchen to talk to Charles. "Charles?"

"Yes Be-...ahhhhh. P-put some clothes on." He said referring to me in my bra and short with a sweater on.

"Why should I?" I asked laughing.

"Are you drunk?" He asked me, sitting down at the table.

"I may have had some whiskey before coming down here, why?" I asked, noticing that I was slurring my words. "Oh. Yeah I'm probably drunk." I then giggled and sat on the table.

"Beth what are you doing..."

"What? Am I not allowed to sit with you?" I asked while getting off of the table.

"N-no you are." Charles then blushed when I sat on his lap. "I just prefer to talk to you when you're wearing clothes."

"That's not what your friend tells me." I said chuckling. (if you know what I mean)

"Beth this is inappropriate." He squeaked out.


"Beth please just go to bed..." He pleaded.

I sighed and stood up. "Come with me?" I asked while winking.


"I was kidding. Goodnight, Charles." I said before heading upstairs. Little did he know, I wasn't going to bed...

When I got to his door I knocked softly and waited for him to open up. When there was no answer, I opened the door quietly and saw the room was empty. I shrugged and stepped into the room, clicking the door shut behind me.

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