Chapter Twenty

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I landed on the sandy ground painfully as I fell from a very high height. My back ached as I rolled over and tried to push myself to stand up. A few moments after I fell, so did the plane. I ran to the now wrecked aircraft, my heart stopping when I saw just how badly damaged it was.

I made my way inside and was relieved to see everyone still there. "You guys alright?!" I asked in a worried tone.

Charles turned around quickly and gave me a tight hug. "We thought we lost you..." He mumbled into my shoulder.

"Can't get rid of me that easily." I responded, smiling into his neck before pulling away and looking him over. "You look pretty good for someone who was just in a plane crash."

"I wish I could say the same for you... You've got a pretty nasty wound on your head." He went to touch it and I involuntarily hissed at the pain. "That's a lot of blood."

"We need to go." Raven interrupted, though happy to see me alive, she was getting impatient.

"You're right, we do. You stay here and make sure no one gets away." Charles explained before him, Erik and I walked out of the plane.

"What should I do?" I asked once we were outside.

"Help Hank, Angel is going to try an attack, him and Alex will need help." Charles explained, patting me on the shoulder and looking my face over. "Please do be careful, though."

"Same goes to you." I whispered before pressing my lips to his quickly and running over to Alex and Hank.

"So we meet again... Traitor." I spat at Angel once she landed right in front of me, her wing damaged. "We brought you with us so that you could have a home. To be with your own kind! Darwin is dead and it's Shaw's fault, how can you not see that?"

Angel spat acid at me and it ended up hitting my arm, causing me to cry out in pain. "I don't feel like a freak with him and his crew." She said, stepping closer to me. "They don't judge each other!" She spat her acid at me again and I had enough. I used my mutation to choke her in mid air.

"We're a family here, Angel. You could have been part of that family!" I shouted over her struggling.

The sound of Erik's voice caused me to lose my concentration and I dropped Angel. She wheezed as she landed on the ground and I had absolutely no guilt.

When I looked over to the Sub, I saw Erik levitating Shaw's dead body and he was now wearing the helmet meaning that Charles and I couldn't stop him...

Just when I thought everything was going well...

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