Chapter 29

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[Tinypaw's POV]

I laid in my nest starting to fall asleep. The rest of the gathering wasn't that amazing. I just wanted to protect Wingkit now and that's what I was going to do.

I woke up in the Dark Forest and saw Darkpaw battling one of the newest warriors in the Dark Forest, Thornpaw. Thornpaw had actually earned his Dark Forest warrior name pretty quickly here and now he was called Thornmisery in the Dark Forest.

"I got you. Now I shall be able to get my warrior name finally." Darkpaw laughed as soon as he pinned Thornpaw down. Bloodtear appeared from the bushes behind them.

"I guess you did beat the newest warrior. Then from this moment on you shall be called Darkheart." Bloodtear yowled for all of the Dark Forest to hear.

I crept up behind Darkheart and pounced on his back. He yowled so loud I thought all the trees where going to loose their leaves. I fell off of him laughing and then glared down to me.

"Why did you do that? That was not nice at all." He hissed at me. I playfully batted at his nose.

"I want to try to get my warrior name!" I laughed looking up to him. Then I turned my head to Bloodtear. "Can I try to beat Darkheart?" I asked him.

"Sure go ahead. Just don't kill yourself." Bloodtear said and stalked back into the forest. Thornpaw was already gone.

"You really want to do this?" Darkheart asked looking to me.

"Of course I do! I want to be a true warrior here." I told him.

"Fine." He growled and stared at me with his dark brown eyes. I growled back at him and started to circle him.

I knew we weren't going to get anywhere with just circling each other. It was going to be pointless then. I jumped at him quickly and clung onto his pelt. He tried to shake me off but I just dug my sharp claws in even more. That made him yowl. I laughed and sinked my fangs into his next but not deep enough to make him die or anything.

"Stop! Ow! Tinypaw! Your hurting me!" Darkheart yowled. I gladfully stopped and stared at him once I unhooked my claws from his pelt.

Bloodtear came back out of the forest after watching us. He thankfully broke the tension between us two.

"Good job Tinypaw. You knew Darkheart wouldn't attack you so you used that to your advantage." Bloodtear purred to me. I smiled glad for the thanks.

"Can I be a warrior now?" I asked wanting to be a full warrior of the Dark Forest now.

"Sure. From this moment on you shall no longer be called Tinypaw in the Dark Forest by Tinyclaw for your sharp claws." Bloodtear yowled for the whole Dark Forest to hear. I was now a full warrior! That was amazing.

"Hey Bloodtear, can I go train the new warrior?" Darkheart asked. I looked to him. It seemed like he wanted to talk more then train.

"Sure, go ahead." Bloodtear said not really caring too much.


Eh, I got lazy. And I don't want to do the battle get. It's coming very very very soon. I promise. Now I hope you enjoyed the chapter and don't forget to leave a vote or a comment!

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