Chapter 31

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[Nightmoon's POV]

We were getting weaker. MapleClan was here to help but we were still getting beat. WingClan just had too many cats. I looked to Spokenstar who was barely fight a warrior. She was loosing. Everyone was loosing. I wanted to give up. I had to give up. I ran to help my mother. That's when he appeared. He slashed both of our necks in one slash. I couldn't breath. I was choking. I saw the sadness in my mother's eyes. She knew it was out time to go to StarClan. We were defeated and there was nothing we could do.

"No!!!" Was the last thing I heard before I went to StarClan.

[Flamefur's POV]

Spokenstar and Nightmoon just died. They died in front of me! I couldn't do anything! Tears came to my eyes as I stated at Bloodtear who had killed them.

"Greystar, leave. We are done here. There is nothing else to do." Bloodtear yowled. WingClan started to leave. The Dark Forest warriors vanished. I had to make sure Midnightsplash was okay. I rushed over to the nursery as fast as I could and saw her breathing deeply with her kits by her side. It took me a while but I noticed Wingkig was dead.

"I'm sorry Midnightsplash. Wingkit would of been a good warrior." I told her and went to comfort her. She was going to be leader now.

"I know. Come, we must check on the rest of the clan." She meowed. I could tell she wanted to cry but had to be strong.

"Yes, let's. You know, you are leader now. Spokenstar told me that if her and Nightmoon died that you had to be leader. That's why I was guarding the nursery in the beginning. I had to make sure you lived.

"Thank you Flamefur. You are a great warrior. Let's check on DepthClan and MapleClan right now. They need us." She purred. We both headed out of the nursery and to the battle scarred camp. Dead bodies were everywhere. One I would never forget. His ginger fur was unforgettable. Midnightsplash must of seen him too because I heard a gasp from her.

"Firestream..." My voice uttered. I couldn't believe it. My kit hood crush was dead. We both rushed over to his body. He was barely breathing but had a deep cut on his neck that would never heal.

"I'm sorry...." He croaked out. "Tell my kits I loved them." His breath stopped. Then he laid still. He was dead!

"Midnightsplash..." I said quietly not wanting her to be over come with grief. She shook her head and stayed by my side.

"I lost the only cat that I loved." She mumbled. I licked her ear comforting.

"I know how it feels. Now come on. We must get you ready to see StarClan to get your nine lives now." I told her. She nodded bravely and started to head to the medicine cat den. Inside the two medicine cats were treating so many wounds. I felt bad for all the cats in the battle.


I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Only one more, bonus chapter, then the next book! OMG! Can't wait for it. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and don't forget to leave a vote or a comment!

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