Chapter 3

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This chapter is probably my fav so yaayyyy!  Imma think about a new story but my brain ain't working so I'll try ,but honestly it'll take about a month or so for me to even think about a plot :P  but ENJOY :) aannnd i'll try to make this long (TRY).

Add one more thing to the stuff louis hated : waking up early in the morning. Also add another : going to school. You know what basically he hated shifting to this cold, rainy place.  School was pretty close by so he could wake up a little late, but 7 am was still early. He washed up, combed his fringe to a side, tucked his shirt into his high waist pants, put on a belt, ate his breakfast and kissed his mum goodbye.

This school was huge. Such a tiny guy could get lost. He wished that Kate was with him. She was actually an angel. Always positive , but there was no time to think about her. He had to find room 289 cuz that's where history class was held and he LOVED history. But he got lost. Great! he thought. Just some one put their hand on his shoulder. He gasped as he turned around cuz he recognised those shoes. "KATE! OMG I WAS BLOODY THINKING ABOUT YOU!" "Same bro! Wait a minute -  did - you - just say the word bloody?" "oh fish cakes, I'm sorry I don't -  I never-" "THE BOY HAS BECOME A MAN EVERYBODY!". There she was, Louis' glimmer of hope. "Sheesh, simmer down. Can you help me find room 289?" he questioned his angel. "Lou.." Kate said pointing to a room behind her. Room 289. "Umm.. heh.. Thanks.. What class do you have now?" "Same class as you,hon!"

As soon as Louis and Kate entered the class a paper ball came flying and hit Louis on the head. "Hey kid, 3rd grade is in the floor below". A huge guy with a moustache already and bald head walked over with 3 of his other friend (who ,in fact were also as big as him) walked over. Were all kids in London so big? "Didn't you hear me kid?" his eyes drifted over to kate. He gave her a disgusting look (like a perv). "Nice.." he said. Louis felt like puking in his bag.  "Yo, Gordon, shut up and sit down. Mind your own business" said a husky voice, a voice Louis dreamt of having. A tall, cute, dark and curly haired guy came over. "Hey, I'm Harry. Harry Styles. Welcome to the class. What's your name?"

I'm gonna edit the last chapter if I've mentioned 7th grade. I thought he could be in 8th. A little more matured boo bear. Please tell me if you like this chapter cuz I absolutely loved this chap. In my opinion this is probably the best chapter :)

OOOHHH and can you tell me ideas for a new story. If you want harry to be the cupcake and louis the dominating one* please do tell me.

*I ship dominating lou and cupcake harry. Not to start a fight, just my opinion. I made this fic for those who think the opposite, the neutral (that sounds bad) or even the ones who like king lou and princess harry :) L


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