2 ~ Changing everything

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I slowly gained consciousness and sat up against the brick wall. God my head hurts.

I checked my stomach. Yep a large bruise. That will take a long time to heal.

I looked around to find the one and only Jungkook starring at me. He started coming closer.

He is so close that I can literally feel his breath fanning all over my face.

I shuffled backwards and he claim closer. God damn, doesn't he get the idea?

'Please don't hurt me' I said, feeling the tears form. I could see the sadness in his eyes as he came closer to me.

'Don't worry' he said 'I'm not going to hurt you' he whispered.

I am disgusted. Does he really think he can say that after what he did? If he thinks he can play with me i will literally rip off his... i was cut off from my thoughts when he took me into a warm embrace.

'I'm sorry' he said tightening his grip. I squirmed in his grip getting myself out of his arms.

I grabbed my bag and stood up. 'Fuck you' i shouted, 'Do you know long I have put up with their shit?! Do you?!. I have no friends because of them and now you come along thinking you can do what ever you want to me and expect me to forgive you?! Really?!' I scoffed, 'I hate you' i said emphasising the word hate.

He looked down. I walked off going straight home. I can't keep up with their crap.

When I got home I looked in the mirror at my ugly appearance. I grabbed all my money and went straight to the mall.

I am changing everything about the way I look. Forever.


Thanks for reading lovelies. I hope you enjoyed

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