12 ~ Give her some flowers?

41 4 0

Hyo-rin pov

It has been two weeks since they released Jungkook and I.

It's now the same routine again.

Wake up, school, avoiding BTS still, home

I shredded the letters I wrote to my parents and Minsuh.

My parents still weren't home and it was getting closer to summer break. I'm so excited.

The school decided to go on a camping trip to the forest for a week. I'm going and so is bts, Minsuh and the bitch Soohyung and her minions.

Everyone else was practically a stranger to me so I didn't really have much choice on who I would be sharing a tent with.

'Minsuh ah' I called, I hope she hasn't gotten a 'tent mate' yet. I can't and won't be in a tent with any member of BTS or any of Soohyung's minions.

'Mm?' She said diverting her attention from V

'Do you have a tent mate yet?' I said.

'No... why?' She asked

'Please be in a tent with me' I begged

'Hmmm why?' She said. God Minsuh really knows how to drag things on.

'Because I can't be in a tent with... them. Or Soohyung. Ew' I said.

'Okay' she said smiling.

'Oh my God thank you' I sighed with relief.

'Minsuh?' I said

'What now?' She said laughing

'What group are we in' I said

'We're in a group of 9' she said

'But with who?' I said

'BTS.....' she said

BTS?!? B.T.S?! WHAT? NO!

I mean it's better than Soohyung but really?

'Okay' I said laughing slightly

We started our first lesson... Art.

It has been so awkward between Jungkook and I since we left the hospital.

I sat down opening my sketch book drawing a flower. I just find an interest in them.

Jungkook sat down really quickly next to me making me jump.

'Hi' I said

'Hey' he said

I carried on drawing my flower.

'That's really good' he said looking at my work

'Thanks, what do you like about it?' I said. I'm trying to make about conversation here but I don't know if it's working.

'It's pretty' he said 'like you'

I... he... ugh what he does to me

I looked down blushing 'thanks' I said.

We... well I kept on drawing for the next 5 minutes.

I swear you could cut the tension with a knife.

'It's been really awkward between you and I since the whole 'incident' ' I said. He stopped his work and looked at me.

'I know' he said smiling a bit.

'I don't like it that way' I said 'We were closer in the hospital and I don't even know why that ended when we left' I said.

'We drifted' he said


'What do you mean' I said

'We basically haven't talked to each other since then' he said 'We drifted'

Oh right

'Well let's fix that' I said

Jungkook's pov

'Well let's fix that' she said smiling.

Aw she looks so cute

Wait what am I saying? Shut up Jungkook! Shut up.

We spent the rest of our lesson talking and drawing. It was so funny. She fell of her chair.

It was now lunch and we were walking to our lockers

'Sit with us at lunch' I said. It was quick but I think she heard me.

'W.. What?' She said

'Come sit with us at lunch' I said

'Will Minsuh be there?' She asked

I nodded shutting my locker

I grabbed her hand pulling her through the crowds in the corridors. Girls were giving her nasty looks mumbling things

'ugh why would he like her'

'ew she's so ugly'

'Jungkook oppa'

They annoy me. As much as I appreciate it sometimes they go further than expected.

We got to the school roof joining everone

'Hey guys' I said sitting down

I say down with Hyo-rin.

'So if I'm correct we are all together for the camping trip?' V said

'Yeah' Hyo-rin nodded.

'Who's going in who's tent?' RapMonster said

'Well Hyo-rin and I are going together' Minsuh said

Everyone else shared looks

'V wanna be in a tent with me?' I said

'Yeah sure' he said eating kimchi

'Suga your with me' Jin said

'J-Hope?' RapMonster said

He just nodded

'Hey what about me?' Jimin said

'Come with us' J-Hope said

We exchanged looks again. I started to laugh. Everyone just stared at me.

Then Hyo-rin started laughing grabbing my shoulder for stability. Then V followed by everyone else.

Lunch then ended and we carried on with our lessons.

We were in gym class. Just BTS Hyo-rin was doing math, Minsuh with her.

'How should we apologise to Hyo-rin?' Suga said

I haven't been thinking about that recently

'Umm give her some flowers and say we're sorry?' Jimin said

'What no! Are you crazy?! She'll never forgive us if we do that!' Jin said

'What if we perform for her' I said

'What? We can't do that you know we can't. We don't really perform in front over anyone' RapMonster said

'We'll just write a song and perform it to her alone' I said 'there won't be anyone else there apart from us and her'

Everyone agreed with me and so we began writing.


Thanks for reading lovelies!

I will update soon! I'm listening to run by BTS at the moment

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