27 ~ Saranghae

23 1 0

2 months later

Hyo-rin's pov

2 months, it was now February

I've stopped talking to Minsuh, permanently

I am still avoiding Jungkook, when he tries to talk to me I just walk past

We were currently in the dance studio

Stressed out was a big hit

'And then I think we should do this' I said doing a dance move 'and this'

'So this?' Wendy said doing the moves I just did

'Yeah' I said

'That works' Irene said

'Hyo-rin' someone said at the door

I turned around

'Oh Anneyong Suga' I said smiling

'Can I talk to you' he said breathlessly 'privately'

'I'll be right back' I said to the others

'Did you run here?' I said

'Yeah' he said he closed the door

'So what's up?' I said

'Jungkook went out last night and he hasn't come back yet' he said

I swear my heart stopped

'Do you know where he might have went?' He said

I shook my head

'But I know where he might be now' I said

'It's 5pm why did you tell me this earlier' I said rubbing my temples

'We thought he'd be back by now' he said

'Let me grab my jacket' I said

'I'm sorry but I need to go, Jungkook's missing' I said

'We'll help you look' they said

I nodded and smiled

I grabbed my jacket and we headed out

I took my car, I was on my own

'Come on' I said gripping the steering wheel tightly

Traffic started moving and made sure to take every chance I got to get in front of people

'He's not by the restaurant, or by the park, he's not by the ice rink or the trampoline park, and he definitely wasn't where my party was' I said thinking

'So that leaves... it leaves... the... the...' I couldn't think of anything

'That leaves the.... the sea!' I shouted in my car

The window was open and I received weird stares

'Mianhae' I called out

I drove down the road accidently going over the speed limit once

Shh don't tell

I parked the car in the all so familiar car park close by, getting out and instantly taking off my shoes

I ran down the sand dunes and onto the beach

I ran my hand through my hair sighing

I walked down the beach turning in all directions

I sat down grabbing my phone

'Where are you?' I texted to Jungkook

He saw it but didn't reply

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