chapter eleven_ a small box

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A/n sorry for the late update but with Christmas and all anyway on to the story

Twila's POV

I am standing in my closet trying to figure out what to where. I look at my orange, blue and gold dresses but none were right.

The door creaked open and Eric stepped in.

"Hey sweets I got ya a gift" he said holding a slender box.

"What is it " I asked grabbing it. I opened it to find a dress . I threw my arms around Eric's neck.(dress pic at top)

"Oh I love it thank you so much" I squealed running to the bathroom to change. I came out after applying some light make up.

"How do I look" I asked twirling around as he smiled.

"Perfect now go to the garden and follow your heart" he said as I left the room after putting on my heels.

I walked to the garden and looked around.

"Where to now " I thought aloud. I stopped by a small plaque in front of two roses hedges leading into the forest.

"Follow your heart" was written in the plaque i smiled.

I walked down the trail as the sun started to set but a light glowed up ahead.

"You look beautiful love" I turned at the voice with a smile.

"Thank you ash" I replied he was in a tux I giggled.

"What do I have a hole in my jacket" he asked looking for a hole.

"No you don't have a hole it's just weird seeing you dressed up" I said he smiled.

"Well anything for you my sweet" he said kissing my hand.

We walked towards a blanked with a basket.

"Hungry?" He asked. I shook my head.

"No thanks" I replied he smiled.

"Cool neither am I how about a run" he asked I nodded and got up we walked away from the blanket and shifted I plunged into the forest ash following. I heard him howl and speed up to run beside me. We ran for hours till we came across Purity Falls. We shifted and hung our feet over the edge.

"Twila why do you like me" he asked his question surprised me.

"I don't like you" he looked worried "I love you" I continued he brightened up .

"I love you because you never made me question your actions. You were always loyal to me and even though you loved me you sacrificed your feelings for mine and I'll never have to worry that you'll leave" I said.

"Good let's head home there's something I need to do" he said

" What " I asked.

"You'll see" he replied. We shifted and ran to the house.


We arrived as the sun began to rise and everyone was awake.
We shifted after ash howled to call a meeting. Everyone gathered in front of us.

"Welcome dusk pack I know it's early but I think you should see what I'm doing good or bad" he said then turned to me.
He got down on one knee I gasped as he pulled a small Velvet box from his pocket and opened it. A huge purple diamond ring sparkled in the sun.

"Twila Willow Everfree will you make me the happiness man to ever walk the earth and marry me." He asked with a nervous smile. I nodded.

"Yes yes a thousand times yes." I said he quickly slipped the ring on my hand then gave me a hug.

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