chapter_ten- stand by you

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I woke with a headache. It's been 2 days since I last saw twila I was worried she kept ignoring my mind links and I know she's safe but I'm still her mate so I have a right to see her. It was driving me insane not being with her so today I'm going to go see her.

I got up and put on black cargo shorts with my white t-shirt and converse. I need a shower and to eat I haven't been able to since twila left. I left the room and headed towards the woods.

"Ash wait " I turned to see eric.

" Hey " I said he smiled but it was a wary one he was worried to everyone was.

" Where you going " he asked I looked at the woods.

" You already know so why are you asking" I asked and he sighed.

" I know that your worried but she needs her space she'll come back when she's ready " he said I was shocked he was telling me to stay.

" And when will that be huh a week a month I can't take it I need to see her" I said he sighed and nodded.

" I can see there'll be no reasoning with you so go" he said I hugged him briefly then turned and ran towards the woods. I ran for awhile then came to a creak I shifted as jumped over it. I ran for awhile before I picked up Twila's scent I felt electricity course through me. I followed it till I heard a struggle and pushed harder I stopped short of a clearing when I saw twila pinned with her hands above her head and Chris straddling her waist.

" Let go I have to go back ash and my pack are waiting for me " she yelled but Chris didn't move.

" Why you have me I love you twila am I not good enough " he asked looking at her . She struggled to no reprieve.

"I'm sorry but I love ash I can't be with you and I'm alpha my pack needs me" she screamed he leaned towards her face like he was going to kiss her.

I stepped forward into the clearing and barked angrily they both turned to look at me I snarled and licked my teeth. Chris stood and backed away as I walked up to stand by twila and pushed my head at her she petted me and I turned towards chris. I shifted back and walked up to chris and punched him in the face. I kicked him in the stomach then grabbed his shirt colar and punched him over and over. I stopped when I heard him choking on his own blood and let go .

" Dont ever touch her again " I said then spat on him. I shifted along with twila she walked up to me and pushed her head into my neck fur. We darted towards home.

Ash's POV still

We arrived at the pack house eager to tell the pack twila was back to stay I howled to call a meeting and everyone assembled infront of us after shifting back I stepped forward.

" alpha twila has returned tonight we feast" I announced everyone cheered and I howled then felt arms embrace me from behind.

" Hey watch it I might have to bite you " I said playfully and twila chuckled.

" I missed you and your sense of humor so much" she said I laughed and turned around. I leaned down and kissed her she giggled as I kissed her nose then her cheeks then her fore head.

" I missed you too so don't ever leave me again or I'll have to resort to desperate measures" I said she smiled

" OK but you can't ever leave me " she said I nodded then we walked to the house and to the room I walked in first and flopped onto the bed with a comfortable groan. I felt something sit on my back twila ran her hands under my shirt.

" Wow you tense take off your shirt and I'll give you a back massage " she said I smirked then rolled over knocking her onto the bed I grabbed the hem of my shirt removed it and tossed it onto the floor.

" You sure this is just because you want to give me a massage and not because you want to get me shirtless" I teased she smiled.

" Yep " she said then motioned for me to roll over and I obeyed she moved her hands up and down my back I sighed with pleasure she was right I was tense.

" Hey what's this " she asked touching my scar.

" Um nothing " I said rolling over and knocking her back onto the bed I stood up and grabbed my shirt then pulled it over my head.

" I need to see eric and max but I'll see you tonight at the midnight howling" I said she looked hurt and confused.

" Ok" she said as I left the room.

I mind-linked eric and max telling them to meet me at elders lake dock and headed towards it.

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I made it to the docks and eric was there. Max arrived a little later.

" Hey what's up" Eric asked.

"Twila asked about my brand" I said.

" She got your shirt off" Eric asked.

"Not the point I can't tell her that I was branded by my father" I said

"Why not" max asked.

" Your right I'll just walk up and say 'hey twila this is a branding my dad gave me the day I swore to help him kill you but I never really would have so don't worry about it' how does that sound" I asked and he sighed.

" Have you told her about your powers yet" Eric asked I shook my head. I can control water and I can bend blood to my will. Only eric knew.

" What you have powers " max asked shocked I nodded.

" Avoid the topic till we can think of something the midnight howling is tonight so focus on that" Eric said. I had planned a date for us already so I can just go ahead with the plans.

" OK I'll take her out on a date" I said and then we left.


I got to the pack house and headed to find twila. I had ordered a dozen roses three days ago and a pack member brought them to me as I made it to our room. When I heard voices in our room I paused.

" It looked strange but like a scar I don't know what it was" I opened the door quietly and noticed twila and Austin sitting with there backs to me.

" Maybe he's hiding something from you are you sure you can trust him I mean maybe you shouldn't be mates his dad did kill your mom what if he tries to kill you" Austin said then put his hand on her shoulder. I dropped the roses and they both turned around then jumped up realizing that it was me.

" Ash what did you hear" Austin asked.

" Enough and just so you know I would never hurt you I would die before I let someone hurt you I gonna stand by you" I said to twila.

" I know sweetheart " she said then walked over and hugged me.

" I have a date planned so get ready oh and you get the fuck out" I said and he darted out of the room. I left and went to get myself ready.

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