chapter six _ I deserve this

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A/n side pic is austin cute isn't he.

"Hey" he said as I punched him in the nose and growled. He sat there staring at me.

"Why aren't you fighting back" I snarled it's not like I wanted to get my ass kicked by him but it was kinda strange for him to just let me punch him. He smiled.

"Because I deserve this every punch, every growl, everything. " He said I jumped up letting him go. He bolted up clearly unfazed by my punches as I started to leave.

"WAIT don't go please d-" his words were cut off. I turned to see Clint and 3 of his pack members. The 3 guys held ash while Clint darted towards me grabbing my forearm I instinctively threw a punch aiming for his jaw but he quickly dodged it. He darted around me and wrapped his arms around me.

"Well hello to you to alpha twila" he said with a smirk. I struggled to get out of his grip but failed.

"Let me go " I snapped. He tightened his grip even more.

"Now why would I do that" he sneered. I heard a growl.

"LEAVE HER ALONE" ash growled making Clint laugh.

"NO " he said her pushed me to the ground and sat down on top of me.

"Get off I've never done anything to you" I begged.

"I know sweetheart but he has and your his only weakness so to hurt him I'll hurt you " he smirked.

"Pack help me I'm at the cave by the river" I mind-linked.  Clint tried to kiss me but I quickly slipped my knee in between his thighs and pushed up. He rolled over in pain with a groan.

"Let him go " I snarled as I flicked a flame onto my fingers. They let him go and he came over to me. I herd a snarl and turned to see Clint in wolf form. I shifted along with ash. Clint charged at me while ash charged at the three now shifted wolves. Ash killed one nd took on the other two. I toppled Clint over and he bit my shoulder as I snapped at his paw he yelped. I tasted blood as he ripped his paw away from me. He growled a deep throaty growl as he pinned me to the ground. He looked at me then lunged forward at my throat.

I saw a dark brown wolf crash into clints side just before his teeth met my throat.

"Austin" I muttered then it all went black.

Austin's (POV)

I have to find her and mind-linking isn't working. Her scent hit my nose. I charged forward following her scent with our pack following. I saw Clint lunging for her throat and I plunged forward at him toppling him over . I pinned him down and tore into him.

I heard my name being said through mind-link and I snapped my head around to see twila unconscious. I immediately bolted to her side. She had already shifted.

"Twila, twila stay with me ok please stay with me" I said through mind-link. I saw the steady rise and fall of her chest. I pushed under her and put her on my back.

"Escort clint and ash back to camp and put them in the cells" I said to eric and max. The pack warriors surrounded ash even though he was bloody and standing on 3 paws he was still a formidable opponent. Clint was not my top priority right now twila was. I turned and bolted towards the pack house eager to get twila some help.

We get to the pack house and I set twila down gently before I shift.
I pick her up bridle style and carry her to the infirmary.

"Dr . Allen I need some help it's twila" I called dr. Allen appeared in a lab coat with her brown hair pinned up. She inspected Twila's shoulder wound which had almost fully healed.

"She'll be fine she just lost a lot of blood but she's a rare pure blood alpha so she'll heal extremely fast" she said with a smile I gave a sigh of relief.

"Thank you" I said she smiled.

"I think your room is ready for the both of you so take her and go get some sleep" she said I nodded as I picked twila up bridal style to the alpha's room. I laid her down on the bed then changed into some night pants and removed my shirt. I laid beside her and she cuddled up to my chest and I wrapped my arms around her.

"From now on I'll never let anyone hurt you again" I vowed and before falling asleep I kissed the top of her head.

A/n sorry for the short chapter but I haven't been able to write lately.
I have a lot of people who are trying to make a new enemy

Any who how did you like the chapter

Please comment so I know how I am doing because I would like to get feedback from people who are reading this book.

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