chapter eight _ siblings

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Unknown POV

I walked outside like I do every morning for my morning runs when I heard foot steps running towards me and strong arms embraced me from behind.

" Guess who " a familiar voice said.

" Ash " I squealed while turning to hug him.

" Hey claire" he said hugging me tighter I pulled away and looked him in the eye.

" What are you doing here I thought you were banished " I said he smirked.

"Well Twila rethought her decision and is removing her ban on me " he said smoothly. I looked at him in disbelief making him laugh and I slapped his arm.

"What changed her mind" I asked. His expression darkened.

"Clint and 3 of his pack members ambushed us and I fought for her but Austin got all the glory she's okay" he said sadly I rubbed his shoulder.

"What else I can tell there's some thing else" I asked he hesitated but finally spoke.

"Twila got me out of the cells this morning and she made Austin take me to the infirmary then to breakfast. We were sitting there and I said I always loved her bacon and Austin pouted and said he didn't know that she could cook. I saw this as an opportunity to make a joke and said well when you know her as long as I have you'll learn all her secrets. He growled but then he smirked. He stood up and pulled twila to him and said ya know what your right I will never know her as long as you do but you'll never get to do this and then he... he" he started to cry I wrapped him in a hug he wasn't the crying type. He cried rarely but when he did it was always because of twila. The last time he cried was when him and twila went ice skating when they were 13 she fell through the ice. He saved her but she can't remember it ever happening because she got a concussion. He cried because she fell and he thought she would die. She was in a coma for 3 weeks which scared the ship out of everyone ash said he wanted her to think someone else saved her so they told her she fell and a passersby saved her she didn't even know ash was there. he regretted his decision but said it was for the best he didn't want her to treat him differently.

"He kissed her right infront of me he was rubbing it in I love her so much and I fell like I am dying when they are together what do I do I have to tell her she thinks that I'm jealous that he took my best friend but she is oblivious to how I truly feel" he sobbed. I stroked his hair.

"Tell her how you feel no matter what you have to tell her" I said.
He pulled away and looked at me.

"I can't she will freak and avoid me" he said then turned to leave.

"But you have to" I said he growled.

"NO" he snarled and jogged off.

"At least think about it ok" I called after him I know he heard me but he didn't respond.

Ash's (POV)

I stormed off but not before hearing claire shouting about how I should think about telling twila I love her. I should tell her but I am scared of how she'll react. Before I realize where I'm going I bump into a rock body.

" Hey watch it will ya ass hole" I growled then realized who I had bumped Into which mad it worse.

"We need to have a little talk" Austin said. I growled in frustration but followed him into the woods. We ended up in a small clearing.

"OK so I know that you like twila but get over it. You're her friend and I'm her mate so do we have understanding" he said smoothly I was astonished by his new attitude I have never seen him like this before.

"What are you talking about I have to tell her I love her if I don't she'll never know" I said. He laughed.

"What's so funny she'll still love you like you love her" I said he laughed even harder.

"I don't love her I want to be the alpha's mate that bwas all I can't have you ruining that so stay away from her" he said with a sinister smile.

"You don't love her she thinks that you do what about all the smiles and kisses and hugs they were all fake" I asked in disbelief he smirked.

"Yep" he said popping the p. I heard a snap and turned to see twila standing at the edge of the clearing Austin saw her to and all the color drained from his face I could tell we were thinking the same thing. How much had she heard.

She looked at Austin sadness visible in her tear brimmed eyes.

"You don't really love me" she asked her voice cracking a little.

"NO I don't " he said like it didn't matter a tear rolled down her cheek.

"Then why what did I do to you to deserved your lies" she asked with tears streaming down her face. I couldn't Stand it anymore.
I lunged towards Austin knocking him to the ground and started to punch I was stronger and he couldn't throw a good punch in his state. I was dragged off by strong arms. I turned to see eric and max pulling me back.

"LET ME GO HE DESERVES IT. HE ISN'T GOOD ENOUGH FOR TWILA. HE'S A PIECE OF SHIT" I growled then I felt arms embrace me and saw twila. I wrapped her in my arms.

"Take Austin to the infirmary" I said and max and Eric picked him up and left the clearing. I sat criss crossed apple sauce with twila curled up in my lap she cried silently against my chest. I couldn't think of anything to say that would comfort her but one thing stuck in my mind.

"I'm sorry. He was wrong to trick you" I said she sniffed.

"It's not your fault. What do I do now I feel like my heart was crushed and only a few males still dont have mates" she said.

"Well I know a guy who is madly in love with you and he always has. He doesn't have a mate and would love to have you as his" I said she pulled back to look at my face her eyes were puffy and red but she was still beautiful.

"Who is this prince charming" she asked with a curious smile she was still clueless. I couldn't help myself any longer. I pushed my lips to her's she kissed me back which surprised me. I cupped her face in my hands as she slid her hand through my hair.

"Me" I said when we broke apart.she looked me in the eyes.

" I thought you only like me as a friend" she said.

"You are so oblivious to your surroundings" I said kissing her nose. Then she stood I followed in suite we walked back to the pack house silently. She grabbed my hand and walked towards her room I followed. She opened the door and walked in. She lead me to her bathroom handed me some clothes and motioned to the shower so I shut the door between us. After Taking a quick shower and putting on the shorts I walked out to see twila lying on the bed in a pink tank top and black short shorts. She patted the space beside her and I walked over and laid down. Twila cuddled up to me so I wrapped my arms around her.

"Ash will you be my mate" she asked quietly I was surprised.

"Yes love yes" I said "I love you"

"I love you to" she said and with that we fell asleep.

A/n hey sorry again for the late update hop you liked this chapter.

I am so tired but I promised you guys an update so I kept my word.

Love and kisses - BRI

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