chapter_twelve- a twist of fate

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Territory divisions
Red - blood pack
Purple - dawn pack
Blue - nightshade pack
Yellow - rogue Wolf territory
Ash's POV

"Attacked by who" twila growls softly. Maddy hesitates and glances at her mate and child. Josh nods then walks inside with sam sam in his arms.

"Blood pack they killed 200 people not all were warriors we even have an orphan pup one its way hear" Maddy says sadly her pack barely had 700 people so it's no surprise when I hear a deadly snarl erupt from twila before she shifts and mind links our pack warriors.

"We're going to pay blood pack a little visit" she said through the link. I want revenge as much as the next Wolf but if we attack now there is no telling what injuries we'll receive and with the gathering we can't risk it.

"Twila the gathering is important for alpha's and if you show up with any sign of injuries you'll bring shame home to the pack" I said earning a growl from some of our more bloodthirsty warriors but they knew as well as I did that even with our werewolf healing anyone could still smell the reek of a battle on a wolf for up to a week after it takes place and it takes us a while to grow back the fur we lose in the fight.

Twila seemed to ponder this for a moment before speaking.

"My mate is right it would be unwise to fight now but don't you worry we will put blood pack in their place" she says through the link ending with snarl. I sighed in relief but I could tell twila was bothered but before I could try to comfort her she bolted into the woods to be alone shutting out the link.

I turn and head back inside following Maddy as she explains the orphaned pup situation.

"It's a baby she-wolf that's a russet color but looks like a brand of fire in the sun she's barely 2 months old and needs a good home" Maddy says and I know just who to give the pup to.

"I know just the mate's for the responsibility" I say earning a cheerful look from Maddy.

"Who" she asks making me smile.

"Claire and Missy" I say while Maddy squeals.

"Your sister and her mate will be perfect moms for the pup" she says while I smile my sister is gay but as werewolves we don't discriminate and Claire has always wanted a pup but they don't often get orphaned so she never expected to have one. A car horn honks and we head outside I hear whines and barks from the back seat and I open the door and the little Wolf jumped at me. I shoot Maddy a questioning glance but she shakes her head indicating that she'll answer my question later.

"Claire I need you and Missy to meet me on the front porch of the pack house it's urgent so hurry" I say through my mind link. A few minutes pass before I here approaching footsteps.

"Ash is everything okay" Claire asks very alarmed.

"It's fine" I say as I turn showing them the sleeping she-wolf laying in my arms making them gasp.

"Her parents were killed in a battle" Maddy says sadly while I hand Claire the pup. When a Wolf pup is born its mother is in human form thus so is the pup but when the mother is pregnant with multiple pups she will give birth in Wolf form thus so is the pup.

"So her brother or sister was still born?" Missy asks but much to our dismay Maddy told us the most heart breaking thing.

"No a blood pack warrior killed the pup" she replies making me flinch.

" the poor thing we'll take her and she'll be loved but we will make sure she knows of her real family" Claire says I smile as they walk away talking about baby stuff.

"I'm glad she'll have a good home" Maddy says but I only nod the thought of a grown warrior killing an innocent pup breaks my heart. I sigh walking inside and to my room I need more sleep and when I wake me and twila will head for the gathering.

Twila's POV

I took off into the woods and headed for Willow Brook clearing. When I arrived I sat down relaxing slightly as I felt the wind in my fur. Maddy mind links me telling me new information on the pup and I let out a whine.

"Alice are you there" I ask and I see her walk up to me from one side.

"Always what's wrong my dear I can sense that you're troubled" she says siting beside me I sigh and tell her everything when I'm done she gives a sad look but I don't understand why.

" I know that the little Wolf who died protecting his sister will be happy knowing that he died for his sister" she says I am shocked.

" happy how could he be happy how could anyone be happy even if they died protecting their sibling" I ask my anger flaring.

"He died for what he loved"she says calmly.

" and what would you know about that hmm dying for love" I snarl but she doesn't flinch instead her eyes fill with sadness so intense that I want to cry.

"Because I died the same way protecting my sister" she says making me whimper.

"I'm sorry for the way I acted and if you don't mind me asking who was your sister" I ask but she hesitates before answering.

"You twila" she says I gasp and feel dizzy.

"That means your my sister" I say lying down no longer able to stand.

" yes twila I died protecting mom only a few hours after you were born in this very clearing that's how you got your middle name Willow " she says calmly but I can't help but whine and whimper.

"Your my sister" I repeat making her sigh.

"Yes but star everfree is not our father like you were told Alister dawncloud the werewolf king is" she says and thas the last thing I heard before everything went black.


OK so when Alice is first introduced not says she's a 30 years old but it's supposed to be almost 20 years old because she died when twila was born so she's exactly 18 years old but I just put almost twenty.

Any who how did you like it🐺🐺🐺🐺

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