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A week has rushed by and I've become mutual friends with Luke. He has started talking to me during passing periods and at the coffee shop. He's also walked me to a few of my classes.

Roni insists that Luke's trying to get to know me because he likes me- I tell her it's probably because he's going to blackmail me with his phone later on in life.

As a joke.

I think it's because he likes me, just not the way Roni understands it. Luke is really kind, and sweet, and a gentleman. But I've only known him for a week and a half, so it's a little too soon to say good things when I know so little about him.

I do know that I didn't expect a call from a number I didn't know on a Saturday night. The weekends were usually my lazy days, but tonight I was up late studying for a Language Arts test. I hesitantly answer my ringing cellphone.


"Hey Myra, it's Luke," The anonymous voice says.

"Oh, hi. How did you get my number?" I ask, closing my notebook on my bed.

"Roni gave it to me, I asked earlier today," He explains. "There's a party tonight, my roommate has connections with one of the universities around here. I wanted to invite you and Roni, if you're into college parties."

"I was actually studying for a test right now..." I trail off, chewing on my lip.


"And I'll ask Roni about it. She'd probably love to go, knowing her," I chuckle.

"If you end up going, call me back and be there by eleven. I have to go earlier and set up with my roommate. Otherwise, I would've offered to pick you two up," Luke says.

"Okay, I'll call her now," I smile, even though he can't see me. We hang up and dial Roni's number.

"What's up?" She answers within the first few rings.

"Luke invited us to this big university party in two hours, you wanna go?"

"Oh my God, yes!" Roni squeals excitedly, "I haven't been to a party in ages! Come over to my place. No offense, but I think I have better party clothes than you."

"None taken," I admit, "You're probably right."


I'm knocking on the door to Roni's apartment thirty minutes later, clutching a few shirts, skirts and jeans from my closet that I think would work for a party. Roni opens the door in a robe with her clearly curled hair on her shoulders.

"Come in, come in!" Roni tugs at my free wrist, pulling me inside her tiny one person-sized apartment.

"I brought some clothes I had that I thought were suitable for our occasion," I hold out the clothes that I had slung over my arm.

"Let's see what you have," Roni says, taking me into her bedroom. We laid out all the stuff I brought, but she didn't seem to have any interest in any of them; except this crop top she'd bought me for my birthday.

"I love this top," Roni tells me, holding the material to my body, "It's maroon; It's a dark red color." She then goes back to her closet and takes a skater skirt out. "This black skirt would go great with it, or these dark high-waisted denim shorts."

"I'll try them on," I take the shirt, skirt and shorts from her, "In the meantime, you try on some outfits and I'll judge them."

She nods, then motions me to her bathroom, where I put on the top and the skirt first. I step out and look at myself in the large bathroom mirror.

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