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Ten weeks later...

Luke's POV

Phase White (The second week of training), was very, very basic, us trainees going on our first march, firing our first automatic weapons, handling our first hand grenades, yet another obstacle course, and dancing in the bunker to old Metallica songs.

These men were crazy, rowdy, but fun to be around. My dorm held six other guys who all enjoyed playing Texas Hold'em for the amazing energy bars that were given out in two's every single day. Some saved them to gamble them on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays, others ate the delicious bars that were so unexplainingly great.

Right now, I had a Full House, a pair of Jacks and three tens. Daren and I were the only two left on the table: All the others folded long ago.

I was confident that I was going to win, so I bet 'All In', which was my last energy bar. The pot was for twelve. Daren chuckled at me, betting 'All In' as well, putting his two in.

"Ready?" He challenges me. I nod. "Put your cards down first, boy."

I put my Jack and ten on the space on the floor in front of me, "Full house." The guys around me gives small hoots and "woah's" are passed around.

"Fancy that," Daren says, placing his cards down, revealing two tens. "Four of a kind, Bucko, that means you lose." I groan, lazily tossing my bar into the pile as Daren pulls the dozen into his arms.

"Alright fellas, attention!" A drill sergeant walks into the door. My bunkmates and I scurry to our bunks, standing still as statues as the sarge walks in with papers. "I want lights out in five minutes, and we have some mail from y'all's family. Walker," He hands out a small envelope to the ginger standing behind him. "Kendall," He hands an envelope to Daren. Daren stares at the white paper, looking very confused. "And Hemmings. Now boys, just because your mama didn't send you no letter doesn't mean she doesn't love ya." With that, the sarge left.

I look down at the envelope. The neat cursive and the stamp with a coffee mug on it was a dead giveaway: Myra Fae had written me a letter.

I smile, ripping open the package. I pull out the piece of binder paper and a few wallet-sized photos:


Hey, I miss you loads. Who knew that a coffee shop partner was a necessity? I miss you in Calculus, too, it's so boring without a distracting head of blond turning and making faces at you in the middle of a class discussion.

Roni is so annoying with her name picking for the baby. She's trying to talk me into being the godmother of the child, can you believe that! I can barely take care of myself, let alone help raise a child! I just want you to be here, you know? She lives a lonely life, and I'm the only one here right now. Her parents are on the verge of disowning her now, and I want you to make some joke and give us a pep talk. I'm trying not to stress out about me and Roni and you, with you going to be gone so often.

Anyway, friend, I hope you're doing amazing in your training, and you're paying attention to directions (We both know that's not your strongest feature when it comes to learning) and that you shoot some targets and don't miss. To be honest, I don't know anything about military training, don't judge me, I'm trying my best.

I included some pictures of the three of us I liked, and some recent things I've changed about myself...

Let's just say I had a creative and daring phase.

Come home safe and sound,

Myra Fae Wayward

I climb up to the top bunk and lay on my back, shuffling through the photos. One's of me, Myra and Roni arriving at the party I invited them to, a picture Myra had took. There's also a picture of Myra, sitting in a salon chair, with dark blonde hair instead of her natural brown shade.

"What are you smiling at, boy?" Daren says, standing next to the bed. It's a taller bunk bed, probably a foot taller than him. I sit up and hand him the pictures.

"The blonde is Myra," I smile as he looks down at the pictures.

"This is your girlfriend, you lovesick bastard?" Daren chuckles.

"No, not at all."

"Sure." Daren gives the pictures back, then ducks to lay down on his bed. The entire bunk moves.

I glance at the pictures again before putting them on my chest and staring at the ceiling. I wondered why she would dye her hair if she couldn't even see color at all? Knowing her, it was most likely a sick inside joke that was suppose to make me laugh. It did.

The last week of training was the most difficult, but I'd see my friends soon, which was enough motivation.

It went by like a blur. The ceremony, the final marches, everything. Then, I was being driven back home.

They were both there at the bus station to take me home. Myra and Roni both ran up to me the second they saw me walk out of the bus. We all didn't say anything at first, we just hugged and patted each other's backs for comfort. Roni was the first to say something.

"I missed you so much, you goofball!"

"I missed you guys too, more than you can imagine." A huge grin swept over my face. I looked up to see Daren smirking wildly at me.

We pulled away from each other's arms after what felt like hours. I excused myself to go say goodbye to Daren.

"Thanks for the energy bars," he said when I walked up to him.

"I found out in the fine print they're made of crickets, so I should be thanking you," We both started laughing. It then became serious.

"Will I ever even see you again?" I asked, realizing there are hundreds of bases all over the world.

"Probably not, but that doesn't mean I'll ever forget you," Daren looked extremely saddened as he put a finger to the middle of my chest, "You have a big heart, son, I respect that. You're a great guy, and you'll earn a lot of knowledge on the field. The journey will be rough, but it'll be worth it in the long run."

I nodded. "I hope you see your daughter soon, before we get put on base for years on end." He nodded, too, then, he pulled me into a huge hug. It felt like the world was compressing and I was the one who was holding it on my shoulders. Our nation's lives and safety depended on us, two friends who mistook crickets as chia seeds.

I haven't touched this book since July of 2016, so I think it's time to take this book off hold ;)

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