Chapter 23

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As soon as she disappeared around the corner, I smirked and went to find Lucas. It wasn't that big of a school, and usually students went to the library during their free period. I walked into the library and spotted Lucas partially hidden behind a book shelf as he sat on the ground and glared at another bookshelf. I shook my head and walked up behind him, but he didn't notice me. 

"Bradford." I said, kicking his leg lightly. His head shot up and he glared at me. I raised an eyebrow.

"What's wrong with you?" I asked as he contunued to glare at me. 

"Well apart from the fact that I just saw my girlfriend cheat on me in front of my face... I'm fine." he said icily. I fought back a laugh as I saw how truly pissed he was. He wasn't even hurt! He was just pissed. And that showed how much he really cared about Kylie. He couldn't care less. 

"Anyway, I'm not here because I wanna be. I'm here to tell you that Kylie doesn't want anything to do with your shitty ass anymore." I said, leaning against the shelf and crossing my arms. He shrugged.

"Like I care. She ain't worth shit anyway, if she's not givin me what I want then-" before he could finish what he was saying I had grabbed him by the collar and I had him pinned against the shelf as he struggled to breathe. We were completely hidden now, so I wasn't going to get caught. 

"Don't you dare insult her like that or you'll get a repeat of what happened yesterday, and it will be much worse. Yesterday was an introduction." I growled at him. His face paled, and when I was satisfied he learned his lesson I released him and turned away. 

"Bitch." he muttered. Without even thinking, I swung around and punched him in the face, creating another black eye to match his other one. Did he ever learn? Weak ass. 

"Say it again." I said as he yelped and covered his eye. I raised my fist as a warning, but he remained silent. 

"Yeah, that's what I thought you said." I scoffed. He glared at me and I spit on him. 

"Just so we're clear, you and Kylie are over. Now enjoy the rest of your miserable life." I said, walking away at a fast pace before I could do any more damage to his face. My hands were shaking from how angry he made me, and I clenched them into fists, taking deep breaths to calm myself. I leaned against a wall until my heart rate slowed, and then I sighed and walked back towards the cafeteria, loitering outside until the bell rang. I shoved my hands in my pockets as I waited for her. She should be coming any minute now. 


I walked out of class and spotted Chris leaning against the wall towards the end of the hallway with his hands shoved in his pockets. The way his eyes stared at me from beneath his thick eyebrows had me melting inside, and his eyes were something that Lucas' icy stare could never compare to. Chris was perfect. Beyond perfect. He was mine. I smiled and walked up to him, and he placed his arms around my waist. 

"Hey babe." he said. I didn't reply as I looked him over. I looked at his eyes, nose, lips, and jaw, and he frowned. 

"What are you doing?" he asked in a puzzled tone.

"Making sure you didn't use violence to get your point across." I said sternly.

"What point?" he asked, as if he didn't know what I was talking about.

"When you told Lucas I was breaking up with him. I hope you did it calmly." I said, staring at him and waiting for his response. I saw guilt flash across his face before he blushed.

"Um, about that..." 

"Christopher!" I scolded. He looked away in embarrassment, and I rolled my eyes.

"Must you always punch him in the face?" I asked sarcastically.

"Well he called me a bitch!" Chris complained, as if that was a good enough excuse. 

"Aw, did Lucas hurt Chris' feelings?" I asked. 

"Yes he did. So I just gave him another black eye so that his face is symmetrical." Chris replied. I playfully hit him in the chest. 

"Chris, stop punching him!" I said, although I couldn't hold in a laugh. He held me in his arms and laughed with me, and then he leaned down and whispered in my ear.

"But baby, you know you like it when I'm a bad boy." he said huskily. I swear, that voice sent heat flashing through my whole body, and I froze. 

"Something wrong?" he asked with a smirk. 

I shook out of my daze and glared at him.

"It's not fair when you do that." I pouted. 

He just flashed me another smile before he grabbed my hand and led me into the cafeteria. He dragged me over to the table I usually sat at with Lucas, Samantha, and Victoria, and then I saw that Lucas was still sitting there. 

"Bradford. Move." Chris demanded. 

"No." Lucas said, although I could see the fear in his eyes. Chris tilted his head slightly and glared at Lucas. 

"Maybe you didn't hear me. I said, move. Now." Chris said, and Lucas quickly scurried to the other side of the cafeteria.

"Thanks for getting rid of him." Tori said gratefully. Chris shrugged and dragged me into the seat with him.

"No problem." he said. 

"Kylie, when did you and Chris get back together?" Samantha asked in a confused voice. 

"Oh, I think everyone saw what they did in the hallway today." Tori said, wiggling her eyebrows. 

"What did they do?" Samantha asked. Tori leaned over and whispered in her ear, and then she understood. 

"Kylie, I need to tell you what Lucas did this morning..." Tori said suddenly, a nervous look filling her eyes.

"Oh, you don't have to explain. I already heard." I said with a smile.

"Really?" she asked.

"Yeah, that's why I broke up with him." I said with a shrug. I realized that I didn't even miss Lucas, and I wasn't hurt that we had broken up. Maybe I had just been using him as a distraction... or maybe he was the one who had gone after me in the first place, instead of the other way around. Oh well, it didn't really matter. I had Chris back, and that was what mattered. And I knew things would be different than they were before. Chris wouldn't do what he did before. Now the only two problems left were: How would I fix things with Sabrina, the hell did Lucas find out about me and Chris? 

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