Chapter 4: Trying to Get Used to It

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~Justin's P.O.V~

I grabbed my bags and Brittany's bag out of the cabinets above us on the plane.

"I don't mind carrying my own bag" She said in such a cute way. I shook my head and she shrugged. We were exiting the gates about to enter the airport when a ton of fans came running up to me. They pushed all the suitcases I had in my hands to the floor. Brittany's flew open with her bra and underwear coming out. She screamed and ran towards it stuffing it back inside the case and zippered it back up in her shiny baby blue suitcase and forcefully yanked it out of my hands. She grabbed Adela's hand and exited the airport speed walking dragging Adela with her.

"Hey guys.Wait" I didn't want them to find out their names. You know the press can be tricky. I signed everybody's papers and took pictures. I wish I had more time but I have a concert.

"I wish I could talk to the rest of you but I have a concert to attend" I grabbed my bags smiled and waved at them giving them the best time that I could. The doors opened and I was in front of the airport doors I looked both ways trying to find Adela and most of all Brittany. I found them in front of a cab. The man was putting the rest of the bags in.

"Hey guys. Wait up" I said that in loudest tone I could out stand. Brittany looked at me and starting at the man. She pushed him making him stumble trying to get to the driver's seat. I made it.

"Hey man, I'm with them" I told the taxi driver.

"Your Justin Bieber, and of course hop in" He said with a wide friendly smile.

"No he is not with us. I don't know who he is." she said with a harsh tone. She was mad at the situation that happened in the airport. I wouldn't blame her. It came all at once. I never even warned her about all of it.

"Now how do you not know Justin Bieber. My grandmother even knows who he is" He looked as if he were 78. Wow then how old is his grandmother. Brittany moaned and got in the back of the taxi. I handed the man $100.

"Its $5 a person, you don't need to be so generose" He stuck out the money trying to give it back. I pushed it back to his chest.

"Sometimes people do little things that can change your whole life. You saved me from losing her. I would hate for that to happen."

"You seem to care a lot about this young lady" He patted me on the back and smiled.

"You have no idea" I laughed and got into the car. I handed him the address, and he drove.


30 minutes into the ride was quite. I was staring at Brittany and Adela was staring at me. Does Adela have a thing for me? I didn't pay attention to her I needed Brittany in my arms. I motioned Adela to switch seats with me. I was now sitting next to Brittany.

"Listen I know you were mad at the airport. It was probably embarrassing with the suitcase and the fans probably shocked you as well." I put my arm around her and the taxi came to a stop. Adela got out to help the driver while the both of us stayed inside the car.

"Justin it isn't your fault, I guess I need to get used to sharing you. I can get used to it  but all this attention will take a while." She smiled and got out of the car as I was following. Adela handed us each of our suitcases and we entered the hotel. I looked back and gave the driver a warm wave goodbye.

I checked in and we headed to the elevators. "Why aren't there any fans here" Adela said pointing at the clear glass elevator window. "Scooter told the fans that we were at a different hotel and that we were going straight to the concert not the hotel." We had two rooms one I'm guessing for AdeLa and Britt, the other for me. We walked up to each door I threw Adela the key and she opened the door

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