Chapter 19: December Is The Time To Remember

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By the way its now December! I forgot to put it in the last chapter! Sorry about that well lets get started!

Continued from Chapter 18. Hope you like!

~Brittany's POV~

Justin stood up as I ended the story. He madly walked over to the front door.

"Justin, baby where are you going" I said standing up from my seat.

"I'm going to teach that bitch, a lesson. Not to mess with you me or us"

I walked over to Justin attempting to calm him down, not thinking it did. I stood in front of his taller figure placing my hand on his shoulder. 

"You don't need to do this for me"

"I'm not only doing it for you. Its for us" I sighed deeply at Justin. 

"You don't need to do this. They'll get over me."

"Grab you jacket its chilly tonight"

I brought my body into Justin's. My chest laying on his breathing heavily so he can feel what's there. I slid my hand down to his belt buckle and tugged on it. 

"Lets just stay here. Maybe it will be more entertaining" I said my warm breath trailing on his lower neck.

"I don't have time for this horny nonsense"

"We all know your craving me"

"When do I not crave you" He grabbed my hand pulling me out the door. 


We were in the car talking well, I was pretty much the only one talking.

"Turn back, I think I'm going to be sick"

"Here" He handed me a McDonald's cup.

"How romantic" I said sarcastically.

"Throwing up isn't romantic at all" He finally says a whole sentence.

"Give it up for Captain Obvious everyone." I say clapping my hands.

"Whatever" He muttered underneath his breath.

Another 20 minutes in the car were wasted. With complete and utterly silence.

He pulled into the driveway that was so familiar to me. Since I had not been here not to long ago. He clicked the red button unlatching his seat belt retracting it back.

"Maybe we shouldn't do this"

"Maybe you shouldn't worry to much" I was officially offended. Don't let it get to your head, Brittany.

We walked out of the car. Justin came to my side trying to reach for my hand. But I pulled away. 

"I really don't like this idea" Justin huffed. Making a warm cloud appear from his mouth. It was getting very cold well it is December. 

We approached the door and that's when my hand slipped getting tangled into Justin's. He looked back at my and smiled. He knocked on the door waiting for a response.

"We'll be fine" He said lightly kissing my lips. The door opened letting the person see us kissing.

We then separated to make eye contact.

"Mom we need to talk" Justin said stern. 



btw: I wrote like 3 more chapters there short but that means faster updates. 

~Kisses form Jill~

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