Chapter 23: Move In Monday!

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~Brittney's POV~

I'm now in the passenger seat of Justin's cheetah porche in Victoria secret yoga shorts ( the back say "PINK"in pink!) a pink cropped shirt and a black pair of Nike's. 

Justin parked the car in the student parking lot, all the students were walking the whole campus with their parents following behind. "First day of university and I feel like shit, great way to start off the year Britt" I mentally said to myself. Justin opened the car door with my things standing on there own on the side walk. I got myself out of that cramped car that I was in and grabbed my backpack along with a few other things while Justin grabbed the rest. 

"I brought A LOT of stuff you need help" I said looking at his body about to hit the floor.

"No I got it" He said out of breath. 

I saw each student pass me and give me a nasty look. Why did I deserve such bad looks from them they don't even know my name. I walked by each dirty face and looked right in the eyes of the 'face givers'. 

I walked into the office of the main building and asked for my schedule and room number. The receptionist handed me two different papers. I start classes next Monday so I have plenty of time to unpack. I looked at my schedule not paying much attention to it and looked for my room number:


I showed Justin the page and he nodded. 

"That's upstairs"  He huffed. "We can take the stairs" I started shaking his head very fast.

"I rather fall down the stairs." I started laughing, not a cute laugh but an ugly uncontrollable one. I could just imagine Justin falling down the stairs with all my stuff following. 


We opened the elevator door revealing a clean tidy hallway but a loud pounding through the walls. It was music a screaming metal like band. I walked down the hall looking at each room number sign on the side of the door. The closer I got into the hallway the louder the music went.


About to open the door I heard Justin call my name setting the things on the floor.

"I'm moving into a frat house tomorrow here nearby, so we can be close to each other." 

"Why don't you move in here?"

"I need some guy time. Not all my time is for sex it could be but I choose not to. I also don't enjoy spending my spare time buying you tampons and pads."

"We'll talk about this later." I rolled my eyes at his slick comments.

I finally opened the door hearing a blast of music hit my ears. I walked in seeing a two girls sitting on one of the beds. Justin placed my thing next to the empty bed and sat on it.

"Hello. I'm Brittney, and you both are?" I said putting out my hand so it can be shaken.

"Hi, I'm Tiffany and this is Hoe-ly" I giggled while 'Hoe-ly stared at me angrily. Tiffany laughed as well.

H:"So who is he?" She said pointing to Justin.

 Me:"That's um" I wasn't sure to say if he was my boyfriend or not but I'll just say he isn't.

J:"I'm her friend" Both girls nodded and looked back at each other.

T: "Your pretty"


T:"There is a party tomorrow night at the frat house here in uni you should come. Its that white and blue frat house a few blocks down you wont miss it."

Frat houses aren't my scene, I have never been to a party of that sort. I have never played beer games or got drunk. I have never even been to a high school party. I smiled but never agreed to go.

Me: "So roomies what's planned for tonight" They both shared faces, I looked at the confusingly.

T:" We aren't your roommates but I'll be right across the hall. 432" They both smiled and left.


"I wonder what that was all about" I said sitting on the side of the bed.

The door creaked open Justin looked up getting a first look at that person before me and instantly stood up. I followed turning on my heels.

My jaw dropped

"Hey" His muscular and deep voice hummed through the walls.



But thanks for 2.4K that makes me happy that you guys like the book. I will be starting a new book soon once I finish this one! So any ideas I'm glad to take I have a few of my own but ideas are helpful. 

Thanks, Jill.

P.S=I'm not sure when the next time I can update. Maybe over the weekend maybe.....


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