Chapter 5: Unexpecting Surprise

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~Brittany's P.O.V~

I woke up that morning swore. My thighs ached and I most likely had a migraine. The sex wasn't bad it was amazing. I flipped my body expecting Justin but I find a asleep Justin. God he is so adorable when he sleeps. His pink-ish red lips were puckered out almost forming a heart. I leaned in and kissed him on the mouth. He lightly smiled. His hair was messy. Well, he actually has sex hair as they call it. I got up to my bathroom and looked in the mirror. I had sex hair as well. The only way for me to cure my sex hair is to wash the sex away from it. I grabbed my towel off the hook behind the door to the bathroom and tucked it into the towel hanger in the shower. I turned on the water so it could be steaming hot and waited about a minute for it to warm up, I toke off all my clothes. I hopped in letting the hot water drip down my skin and wet my hair. I applied shampoo and turned around facing the shower head. I closed my eyes tightly and let the water wash away the shampoo. I brought a comb inside the shower and began to comb it out. I finished combing it out and applied conditioner. I turned around facing my towel and noticed him in front of me completely naked.

"Justin" I shrieked.

"What's up" he said totally normal. I saw his eyes roam my body making me feel a little uncomfortable, but he did see it before so I didn't let it get to me.

"What's up with you in my shower"

"I kinda like you without clothes. Is that a problem" he smiled and applied soap to his chest then rinsed it off. I rolled my eyes then grinned. I grabbed the liquid soap out of his hand and poured some on my chest and began to rub it in.

"May I" Justin asked politely.

"You may" I handed him the soap. He turned me around and gently applied some to my back in a circled formation. His hands slid on my curves feeling them repeatedly. He traveled to my shoulders massaging them.

"That feels nice" I moaned and took a breath, I needed it now.

"I"m sure it does" He flipped my body around and began kissing my neck. That felt even better.

"I have another concert tonight at 7. Are you coming?" I didn't really want to inter fear with fans so I shook my head and kissed Justin then got out of the shower. I needed some time away from the fans and its just healthy for Justin and I to have time apart. I walked out of the room with Justin behind me and began to dress.

"Why won't you come?" I shrugged as he spoke again. I wasn't sure what else to say. I can't go everywhere with him I'm sure he needs his time. I walked to my closet to pick something out.(White and red striped tanktop with black high-waisted shorts and white keds.)

"Please come Brittany, it would make me so happy if you would come. Or else....I'll make you come" I wasn't terrified what he was going to do. What was he going to do 'tickle me to death'. Ooooh scary!*sarcasm*.

About 5 minutes later I was on the bed laughing so much.

"Justin.Stop.My.Stomach.Hurts.So.Much." saying between laughs.

"NO! I let go if you come" I finally rolled to the side. Escaping from those tickle-ish hands of his. "Justin you need your time alone and as do I" I walked out my room and into the living room across from the kitchen. I flicked on the T.V. It immediately told me the time on the side bar.


"Justin you have to leave soon put on something comfy." I noticed after I had yelled that I sounded like my mom. Ew I don't need to think about myself as a mother. I have a good 6 or 7 years ahead of me till then.

"Okay Mom" He replied. I put on a face of disgust. Imagine me Justin's mom and dating. I think I'll stop there before I puke on my couch that I was sitting on. I looked at the T.V. It was on Disney Jr which I didn't feel like watching so I got up which took me a few minutes to do so, and began my search for the remote. I looked on the tables in the kitchen the bathroom. I heard my tummy growl so I walked to the fridge. I yanked on the door and noticed the remote was next to the milk. I grabbed the milk and remote and brang it to the counter. I went to the pantry and grabbed a box of my favorite cereal.


I opened the box and poured it in a bowl I found in the sink following with the milk. I grabbed the spoon out of the drawer and strolled myself over to the couch and planted my body on it. I put on different channels on the T.V noticing the remote was cold. I put a spoonful of cereal in my mouth. I then saw hands cover my eyes. I chocked a little on the cereal but I survived with out this person noticing. I hate when people even do this trick. If I knew some karate I would karate chop their ass off.

"Do you know who it is" I heard a warming and deep familiar voice ask me this absolutely 'Ridiculous' question.

"If I knew who it was I wouldn't be here feeling all nervous and hating this" I said releasing my inner attitude. I put my hands on that persons hand and swung them off my face. I turned my body around revealing.



Dun Dun Dunnnnnnnnnn.

Well hope you liked it! Yeah I think I left it on a cliff hanger sorta but whatever! This is PART 1! YES THERE WILL BE A PART 2! I 'might' update Part 2 tomorrow.  It was kinda short but whatever I just really hope you liked it. I have 60 reads! Which isn't a big thing but I had a story before this one and it took me a month to get 60 reads but in 9 days WOW! It really isn't much but I'm really happy that you guys like the story. It will get better! Keep your heads up!






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