Chapter 30: Cheater's The Name Too Bad I Don't Like The Game (Part 2)

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By the way I am SOOOOOO SUPER SORRY, I haven't updated in 28 days. That's a shit load of time for me. For sure during Thanksgiving break message me on my profile or comment on a chapter, reminding me. I have homework and a life as well as the rest of you. 


Brittney's POV~

I woke up that morning in Austin's car, with his head laying on my lap. I reached over to grab my iphone unlocking it. 


Be on plane by 8 am. For Justin <3

I dropped my iphone making it hit Austin's face.

"Ow. What was that?" He picked up my phone which was now laying on his chest. 

"Why did you drop your phone on me."

"No time for explaining I have a flight to catch. DRIVE" 

"Fine buckle up. Airport?" He said turning on the engine. I nodded.


 Finally I arrived at the airport I grabbed my bags from the trunk and Hugged Austin bye.

Running through all the scanners and security guards plus yelling at them to hurry, I almost missed my flight. I arrived at the desk handing my ticket to the lady. She ripped it in half and handed me the other half.

"Take a seat" She pointed to the amounts of seats in front of which I was guessing what was the doors to go on the plane.

I sat letting go of my luggage and letting it stand there.

My mind wandered off to Justin. Why would he cheat on me? Does he miss having sex?, I miss it too but I can't risk my 19 year old life with a baby. Plus, he has a career to hold and knocking up a girl and getting her pregnant isn't the best way of being a celebrity. 

As everyone was exiting I forgot one of my make up bag in the compartment above the seats. I jogged back into the plane reaching for my bag as Justin grabbed it and handed it to me.

I saw his plain face stare at my eyes as he regularly do.

"Thanks" I say blankly grabbing my bag. He held onto the bag pulling the bad as well my body, making us inches away from one another.

"I'm sorry Brit" I wasn't going to take his sorrow. No more Bieber EVER.

"To hear so say sorry makes me want to throw up" My eyes began to water I'm here to do his hair and continue the rest of my regular life.

I yanked my bag out of his hands and walked to the door.

"Wait" I stopped and took a step back making a rude face.


"How do you feel about doing my hair"

"I don't care about your weave" I walked out happily and on my way to the hotel to unpack.

Justin's POV~

"I'm a douche" I said to him.

"No your a dick, there is a difference."

"She doesn't even want to talk to me" I combed back my hair stress-fully and sat on the corner of the bed.

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