Why me God?

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It was early morning on Friday three months before graduation. The rain was coming down in buckets. What a horrible way to start the weekend.

I pulled my dark mess of hair up into a bun as I walked through the front doors of eternal hell. That awful place teenagers call high school. Good God I can't wait to graduate.

My first class of the day was my least favorite to. I hate gym class not only because Coach Sanski is a sexist pervert but also because I honestly hate physical activity. Once I was in the gym I took a seat in the bleachers and tried my hardest to blend in with the other delinquents in my class.

Damian Carr was smoking a cigarette in the corner with his juvenile buddies. Amber Duplar was drinking vodka out of her water bottle and sharing with her bitch clique. Then there was the worst of all. The devil himself. Wesley Stromberg had his tongue so far down Riley Cooper's throat it was gagging me.

He was sickening. I don't know why girls line up to be his play things. He never stays with one girl for long. He dated them until he got what he wanted then he'd move on. This girl was no different I'm sure.

His hands roamed her body in a very R rated manner. She pulled away long enough to make direct eye contact with me. I looked away fast and crossed my fingers that when I looked up they'd be gone. Turns out God doesn't like me very much though, because when I looked back up not only was she staring at me but so was he.


After AP Psych and Biology I ate lunch with my friends Emily and Brooklyn. We talked about how we couldn't wait to graduate. Brooke got into USC for the fall semester and Emily was settling on a local school to get a low level business degree. Neither of them know yet but I'm waiting on my letter from Berkley. I'd gotten into USC too but my sights were set on Berkley.

"Have you had English yet?" Emily asked.

I shook my head as I chewed. "No I have it last." I said with a still full mouth.

"Well be ready, because Phillips assigned partners for the senior project today." She said. "I got that pot head Jack McCollum."

I rolled my eyes. "He's in my gym class."

"Lucky you." Brooke winked. "I don't care what he smokes. I'd still do him."

"Ew!" I spit food.

Both girls laughed. "Who'd you get as a partner Brooke?" Emily asked her.

"You know the hot Chadwick boy who's failed like three times?" She shrugged. "I got him."

"I pray to God I get a good partner." I groaned.

"Who all's in your class?" Brooke asked.

"Cameron Ellis. Hannah Colman. That Kale guy who plays football. Leah Thompson. The whole bitch crew. Kyle something. That one guy who smells like cheese. The devil himself. Oh, and Zach Larson." I rattled the kids in my class off.

"Good luck babe." Emily laughed. "Not one of those idiots would be a good partner really."

I sighed in agreement. "As long as I don't get Wesley Steomberg I'll be happy."

Class started and Phillips wasted no time passing out papers for the assignment. Then she started pairing us off one by one. I held my breath as she went praying silently. Probably praying the opposite of every other girl in the room.

"Heather Verona," She pointed at me an looked at her list. "And Wesley Stromberg."

Girls all groaned in frustration and disappointment, and I almost groaned in physical pain. Why does God hate me? What did I ever do so terrible to get punished like this?

"Now pair off and set up times to work. You'll have two months to complete the assignment then we will present them. You may write a paper of no less than ten pages or make a video presentation no less than twenty minutes. If you fail to complete the assignment you will fail my class. No exceptions and no switching partners! Now get to work."

I put my head down hoping maybe The Lord would just strike me down right here. Sadly though it didn't work that way. Wesley sat in front of me and faced me with a lazy smile on his lips.

"Hey partner." He winked.

"Hello Satan." I mumbled.

He smirked. "What do you wanna write our paper on?"

"Maybe we should make a video." I said honestly doubting his writing ability.

"Oh, I'd love to make a video with you." He smirked again. "But we can't show those kind of videos in school."

"Ew!" I gagged mentally. "And quit smirking or your face will freeze that way."

He chuckled. "Okay a video of the nonsexual variety an no smirking. How about a topic smarty pants?"

I thought for a second. The topic had to be something arguable and we had to have opposite views. That was probably every topic I could think of with Wesley!

"I don't know yet." I said honestly.

"How about global warming or some shit?" He asked as he watched Bailey Mauler's ass as she walked by.

I rolled my eyes. "No, how about we do it on how your lack of priorities is going to affect you later on in life?"

"Having fun in high school isn't a crime." He said defensively.

"So you'd argue that your ways aren't having a negative affect on your future?" I asked.

He nodded. "And you'd argue the opposite?"

"Yes!" I said rather loud.

"Then it looks like we have a topic." He said. "Let's start Monday."

"Uh why not tomorrow?" I asked.

"It's Saturday." Wesley looked at me like I was an idiot. "Drew's having a party?"

"School is more important and the sooner we finish the stupid project the sooner I never have to see you again." I complained.

"Well nothing's keeping me from that party sweetheart." He shrugged. Then like a light bulb went off he snapped his fingers. "Come with me, we can film parts of the party for my argument that my fun doesn't affect my future!"

Why does God hate me?

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