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Friday seemed to drag by. Wesley acted normal by hitting on a girl first thing in the morning and disappearing with her in gym. I however was still thinking about what could've happened to Brooke if he hadn't kicked in that door. How had he not gotten in trouble for that with the cops? Was it because he'd saved a life by doing it? I mean I think that seems fair.

Lunch was mostly full of gross food and Emily wondering where Brooke could be. She talked nonstop about how her English project hadn't been started yet and how her partner seemed to not even care about anything other than smoking pot. I wasn't listening though and she knew it.

"Where's your head at?" She laughed flicking a burnt French fry at me. "You seem distracted."

"Just worried about Brooke." I shrugged. Not really a lie but not the whole truth either.

"Maybe she's sick or something. I texted her a bunch of times but she never wrote back." Emily shrugged. "I'm sure she'd fine. We can go see her after school if you want?"

"No I don't wanna seem like a crazy stalker person. I'll just wait for her to call me or something." I smiled. "Thanks though."

That's when a fight broke out across the room. Kids gathered around to watch as someone got their ass handed to them. Emily stood up and tried to see who it was. Then I saw them as they rolled into the floor.

"That's Wesley and Adam Westcott." I said standing up now too.

"Wonder what started it this time?" Emily shook her head. "He's such a waste."

I found myself feeling defensive for Wesley. Even though I didn't know why they were fighting I was sure he had a good reason. Adam was Brooke's exboyfriend. They'd dated about three weeks and she dumped him, because she said he was insane. He'd been a real asshole afterwards too. He and some of his friends had wrote nasty things on her locker and he even keyed her car.

"I'm going to go see-" Emily cut me off.

"Heather you can't go over there!" She grabbed my arm as I started to walk but I yanked it away and continued forward.

I pushed through the people crowded together until I was right in front of the boys on the floor. Wesley was on top of Adam beating his fist into Adam's face. I looked around and saw that a teacher was heading to the office to get the principle no doubt.

"Wesley stop." I knelt next to him and put my hand on his shoulder.

His head snapped to me and Adam choked a little. "You didn't hear what he said Heather. Go away."

I shook my head. "You'll get suspended Wes. Please just get off him and come with me."

Wesley looked conflicted then sighed. He nodded his head and pushed himself up roughly using Adam's chest. "Westcott one day a girl might not be around to save you. I'd pray to God I'm not around when that day comes." Wes glared at the crowd and they started to scatter.

"Come sit with us and I'll cover for you." I mumbled to Wes as I led him to the table me and Emily were sitting at.

" Why are you helping me?"

"I'm sure he said something bad about Brooke. I don't want to know what it was but I think he probably deserved that." I shrugged. "So for defending my friend I will cover for you."

Wes smirked as he walked next to me. "Sure it isn't that my devilish good looks are making their mark?"

"Positive now shut up."

Emily about fainted when I sheepishly came back to our table with Wesley in tow. She stuttered a bit then sat down. "What is he doing over here Heather? He's going to get in trouble for that fight and we don't need to be associated with that kind of person."

I wanted to kick her under the table. "What kind of person? Adam said something about Brooke and Wes stood up for her Emily. You don't want to be associated with the kind of person who does something like that?"

"That's not his problem. It probably isn't even what happened. He's just playing your emotions Heather." Emily crossed her arms. "He just wants you to bail him out like last time.

"I never asked her to bail me out." Wesley spoke. "She took it upon herself, but I can leave."

"No!" I gripped his arm pulling him down in the seat beside me. "You stay, and if Emily doesn't like it then she can leave!"

Emily looked hurt. "Fine then maybe I will!" She gathered her things and stood up just as the principle approached our table.

"Wesley Stromberg did you have anything to do with what just happened to Adam Westcott?" He asked.

I spoke before Wes could. "He's been here with me all lunch period."

"You sure about that Miss Verona?"

I nodded. "Yes Sir I am."

He looked conflicted on what to do next. Then he sighed. "Fine then I guess I have no choice. Both of you can be suspended together. Stromberg for fighting again, and Verona for lying. I thought better of you Heather."

"But-" He raised his hand to silence me.

"None of that. My word is final. Get your things and go home. You can come back to classes on next Friday. I'll be calling your parents to notify them as soon as I get back in my office."

Wes sighed. As the principle walked away I slammed my shit into my book bag. This was bullshit. Wesley had just defended Brooke. Adam was a dick. Why were we the ones getting punished here? Everything seemed so backwards. Even Emily storming off was wrong to me. I never thought that I would say it, but getting suspended for Wesley Stromberg was a choice I would make over and over. This was not his fault.

A/N: Sorry my updates so late. I've been super sick. Anyway hope you guys like the chapter. Thanks for sticking with me, I love you all more than you know. Who watched the Super Bowl? Loved watching Peyton make some history with the Broncos <3

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