Another Cover

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After spending the majority of that afternoon  kissing Wesley I eventually drove back home. Brooke forced the whole story out of me as soon as my feet hit the inside of my room of course. She flipped her hair proclaiming how right she was his whole time. Then my mom came to my door and knocked twice.

"You got a letter in the mail honey." She smiled.

I glanced at Brooke remembering that I hadn't yet told her about my intentions to go to Berkley. "Thanks Mom, uh, just leave it in the dining room." I smiled hinting with my eyes I didn't want to tell Brooke.

Mom got the hint and agreed. "Sure thing. Dinner should be done soon."

Brooke didn't ask about the letter. She was still stuck on the Wesley Stromberg events. We laughed and joked around until dinner. Then afterward she went to take a shower and I hung around the kitchen with my mom. Once Brooke was gone I tore open the letter that was indeed from Berkley.

Dear Heather,

We regretfully inform you that your prior application has been denied. We encourage you to apply again in the future, but at this time...

Tears fell out of the corners of my eyes blurring the words on the page. I worked so hard and for what? I didn't get in to the only school I dreamed of going to for so many years. This is bullshit! Why try so god damned hard for nothing! I see what everyone was saying now. I tried so hard for no reason at all. it was pointless all this time.

"I'm so sorry." My mom put her hand on my shoulder and squeezed as she read over my shoulder. "I know how much you wanted this."

I nodded and threw the letter to the ground. Winding my arms around my mom I let the emotions pour out of me. "Why? I tried so hard Mom. I never got in trouble and I stayed in every weekend to study. What more could I have done?"

"Nothing Heather. There's nothing you can ever do but try the best you are capable of. This was just a sign honey. A sign that you weren't meant for Berkley." Mom smoothed my hair back.

"Berkley?" Brooke asked toweling her hair in the doorway. "You applied to Berkley?"

My head snapped toward her and she looked betrayed. "Brooke I-"

"Save it." She cut me off. "It's your life Heather. You wanna ditch me for the beach blonde Barbie princesses then do it. I'll just room with Emily. Even though I would never do something like this to you, I get it. It's fine. I'm proud of you."

"I didn't get in Brooke."

Her face practically went white. "I'm so fucking sorry." She hugged me taking my mom's place.

My mother and Brooke had a conversation over my head with their eyes. "Why don't you girls do something fun tonight?" Mom asked.

"I can't I just wanna mope around." I sighed pulling out of Brooke's grasp.

"Absolutely not!" Brooke smacked my arm. "I'm calling Wesley and we're going out. Go get dressed."

"It's ten at night!" I looked at my mom for help.

"You're suspended until Thursday anyway." She shrugged. "Have fun girls and take a key. I work early so I'm going to bed."

"Gee thanks Mom." I rolled my eyes as Brooke gave me a triumphant smile. "I'll get dressed but I'm not happy."


At eleven on the dot Wesley pulled up out front and honked twice just to be an asshole. His friend Drew was riding shotgun so Brooke and I got in the back. Wes drove while Drew flipped stations on the radio. I was still not happy about the whole situation. Wes kept glancing at me in the rearview mirror and it was driving me crazy.

"Where are we going?" I asked finally after we'd been driving for what seemed like an hour.

"The beach." Drew shrugged. "Kyle's having a bonfire."

"Who?" I asked.

"A friend of mine." Drew laughed. "It's cool. No cops this time I swear."

Brooke giggled and started talking about how fun Drew's party had been. A few more minutes went by in the car and Wes parked in a full lot near the west pier. Drew hopped out and helped Brooke like a gentleman. Then there was Wesley. He got out and looked at me waiting for me to join him. Some things never change I guess.

We walked toward the beach together as a group but when we reached the edge of the sand Drew and Brooke split off from Wes and I. Sighing I stepped out of my sandals and bent to pick them up. Wesley cocked his head at me and raised a brow.

"What?" I asked.

"Are you alright? Brooke said you needed a night out and then insisted we come to a party. Now you're all sighing and taking you're shoes off. Did I do something wrong?" He asked me.

I chuckled. "Not everything is about you."

I started walking to where our friends were gathered around a fire with several others and Wes caught my hand. "I know it isn't but I-I'm worried about you."

"I'll be fine." I smiled at his discomfort admitting that he was worried about me. "Let's just have fun tonight."

"You don't even know what fun is." Wes yelled after me as I ran the rest of the way to Drew and Brooke.

Brooke wasn't drinking because of the pain meds she was still taking from the incident with her dad. Hell she barely even talked to anyone other than me Wes and Drew. She did however get me to drink. Whatever it was called was a pink slush in a cup and tasted like watermelon KoolAid. After three of those I was practically floating around the party.

Wesley was hovering beside me everywhere I went. I dumped half a drink on my white shirt making it see through and he gave me his jacket to cover up. When I told Bailey Donaldson she was a skank for hitting on Wes when he was clearly with me he pulled me away from her. Then when I danced to the music playing he held my shirt down even though I wanted it off. After a few more events that involved drunk Heather he told Drew and Brooke we were leaving. Then he hauled me to the car.

"You're hair's so pretty." I ruffled my own hair as I looked in the mirror in the visor of his car.

"We should get her drunk more often. She's more fun." Drew laughed.

Wes shot him a look and I giggled. "Tonight's been sooooo much fun! We should do this every day."

"No, we should definitely not." Wes gripped the wheel as Brooke got in the back with Drew. "Heather you're a handful."

Bouncing in the seat I turned the radio up as he drove. Nothing was killing my buzz right now. I was feeling amazing and nothing was going to change that. Who gives a fuck about Berkley? That's when I heard the horn of another car and in slow motion everything changed.

The other car slammed into us. The sound of glass breaking and metal bending rang in my ears. It wasn't like in the movies where you blackout either. I was fully awake and sudden felt very sober.

"What the fuck?" Drew screamed when the car stopped spinning. "That fucker ran the light!"

Wes looked at me and his eyes filled with relief as I rubbed my head. "Is everyone okay?" He asked looking back at Brooke.

"She's fine." Drew said. "Man your mom's gonna be pissed. You weren't even supposed to leave the house and now the cops are coming and this car is wrecked as shit!"

Wes banged the steering wheel as the cops and an ambulance were pulling up. "Yeah she's gonna kill me."

"I'll cover for you. Tell her it's my fault." I lolled my head back. "Everything can be my fault because I don't care."

Then exactly like the movies everything got fuzzy. My head was throbbing and suddenly I was very tired. I closed my eyes and everything drifted off into background noise. The world went black and it was like I was submerged in dark water.

Cover Girl (a Wesley Stromberg fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now