Shes Okay But I'm Not

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Brooke was admitted to the critical condition unit but I was listed as closest relation thanks to the police officer who came. I would be allowed to see her as soon as she was set up and stable just like Wesley said. He sat next to me in the waiting room too. He held my head to his shoulder as I cried. He let me pace and even got me food after a few hours.

"Mister Stromberg, Miss Verona?" A nurse called making me jump.

"That's us." I stood up. "How is she?"

The nurse shook her head. "She's stable. Room 451 at the end of the hall, and you may see her when you'd like. I want you to be aware though it looks a lot worse than it is."

Wesley squeezed my shoulder. "Can we talk privately a minute before we go back?" The nurse nodded and walked away. I turned and faced Wes seeing he looked conflicted.  "I need to tell you what happened."

I nodded.

"I feel like it should be her choice though, but she called you so she clearly trusts you." He raked his fingers through his hair. "I don't know what to do. When you go in you'll know what happened but I want you to be ready."

"Just tell me Wes." I shook my head ready to cry again.

"When I went in I followed the screaming to the kitchen. Her dad was on top of her. She was fighting him but he was hitting her and holding her down by her neck." He stopped, looking at me for a reaction. "I pulled her dad off and she got up, but he broke away and slammed her face on the counter. It knocked her out probably broke her nose. There was already a lot of damage but. It cracked her skull I think."

"I knew he drank but I never knew it was like this." I covered my eyes.

"Hey hey hey, come here." Wes wrapped his arms around me. "It's okay. You never could've known, because she didn't tell you. You saved her though."

"I need to see her." I wiped my eyes and pulled away from him.

We went to room 451 together and Wesley let me go in first. Brooke was laying in the bed. She was awake and looked my way as I came in. Her head was wrapped in a bandage she had cuts all over her. Wesley was right about her nose, because it was crooked now. Her neck was bruising already.

"Brooke." I sighed with relief. "Thank god you're okay."

She looked away. "I hardly feel okay and I don't like looking like shit with him in the room."

I actually chuckled. Some things never changed. She was just beat to hell and she's worried she looks like shit in front of Wesley Stromberg. "I'm so sorry Brooke. I never knew it was this bad."

"I never told you because I didn't want the pity. I mean look at you. So fucking perfect and then there's Em. She's got the fucking family built by the gods. Why would you be friends with a girl who gets beat by her dad when he drinks?" Her voice shook.

"Because we love you Brooke. You know my mom loves you too. When you get out you can stay with me as long as you need. Forever if you want. Mom won't even care, and honey I am far from perfect." I told her sitting in a chair by her bed.

"He used to beat my mom until she left. Then it was all me." Brooke looked back at me. "I'm sorry I scared you but I didn't know who to call."

"Brooke it's fine. I'm glad you called. I'm glad we stopped him before it was worse."

She nodded then looked at Wesley. "Thank you for saving me."

"I'd do it again in a heartbeat." He smiled.

Brooke looked at me then back at Wes. "Can I talk to him alone a second?"

I nodded leaving them alone. When I went outside the room I saw the cops. They took a statement from me. It was easier to talk now that I knew Brooke was alive and going to be okay. They also wanted to talk to her and Wesley, but said they could wait.

"Where's her father?" I asked tentatively.

The officer looked at me. "I can't release that information, but I can tell you he won't get away with what he's done. He's being treated for his injuries and then will be detained."

I nodded. "She injured him?"

"She didn't." The officer spoke just as Wesley opened the door to tell me I could come back in. He stayed in the hall with the cops as I went in to see my best friend.

"He's better than they think." Brooke said. "He's a good person under that fake jackass act."

"He has good points but I don't think the jackass act is an act." I sat next to her.

"I'd take his side every time. He saved my life." She looked me in the eyes. "Did he tell you what happened in that house?"

"You don't need to talk about it Brooke." I assured her.

"Wesley pulled my father off me. He was drunk but still strong so when I was getting up he pulled away from Wes and slammed me against the counter. Wesley screamed and then I assume I passed out, but the nurse let it slip that Wes cracked ribs on my dad and did serious damage. He held my head together, back here where I've got all these stitches, until the cop took his place Heather." She let a tear slide down her cheek. "If he hadn't been there I'd be dead no doubt. They said I'd lost a lot of blood."

"Shhh Brooke that's enough." I grabbed her hand. "You can stop. I believe you. He's better than people think."

"What kind of person does that for someone he barley knows?" She asked.

"A damn good one." I answered just as Wes came back in the room with the police right behind him.

"They need to talk to Brooke alone, but we can come back tomorrow after school." Wes assured me as I stood.

"I'll see you tomorrow Brooke." I smiled.

She nodded. "Please don't tell anyone about this."

"Of course not." I nodded. "I'll take it to the grave."

"Me too." Wes added. "No one will know if you don't want them too."

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