No School

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Wesley had gotten two days suspension for breaking Kale's nose. Kale had been put in in school suspension for two weeks for what he said about me. Therefore the week was going swimmingly. I hadn't seen Wes since the night we had our little heart to heart and honestly I didn't care. He was doing his thing and I was doing mine.

I filmed myself reading my college acceptance letters the other day. While filming I also shared that I was still waiting to hear from Berkeley. I also edited all the footage from the party. Now all I needed was Wes talking about the lack of schools he was going to next fall.

Thursday morning I got up only to see on the news that school was closed do to some kind of power outage in the area. Shrugging it off I decided to spend my day binge watching some Criminal Minds. I was about to start my Netflix when someone knocked on my door.

"Coming!" I yelled through the house as I trotted to the door. Expecting Emily or Brooke, imagine my surprise when I seen Wesley rocking on his heels. "What are you doing here?"

"Gee Wes glad to see you alive. I was worried I hadn't heard from you." He imitated my voice poorly. "Wow Heather good to see you too!"

"Shut up." I rolled my eyes letting the door open so he could come in. "Come on in. Wouldn't want the neighbors to call the cops again."

"Sure wouldn't." He laughed closing the door behind him as he came in. "So what are you doing on this lovely Thursday without school? Perhaps reading a book or doing some extra credit?"

"No asshole." I glared at him. "I'm watching tv."

"Is that an invitation?" He asked.

"Is that a choice?" I asked back.

Three hours later Wes and me were on the couch watching Criminal Minds stuffing in as much junk food as we could find. Hanging out with him wasn't so bad. I mean he was annoying as shit, but he was stupidly funny. Not to mention Brooke was very right about his good looks. I can see why girls might fall into his games. Not me but maybe other girls for sure.

"Would you answer your phone I can't hear the tv?" Wes complained.

I shook my head and answered the phone. Just to annoy Wesley I put it on speaker. "Hey Brooke what's up?"

Her voice came out as a choke at first then sobs followed. "I need you to come get me."

"Brooke? Where are you? Are you Okay?" I sat up fast muting the tv.

"My house. Hurry." She was breathing heavy and still crying. Then there was a loud crash and she hung up.

"Shit I gotta go!" I jumped up.

"I'll come with you. She sounded really off." Wes stood up. "Let me drive please. Your hands are shaking."

I nodded and hurried him to his car. Between panicking I managed to direct him all the way to Brooke's in just a few minutes. He parked in the driveway and we hopped out. I ran to the door and knocked. Wes gabbed my arm and yanked me back.

"What the fuck Wesley you heard her on the phone!" I pulled my arm away.

"Shh." He held a finger up.

I was quiet a second then I heard it. Brooke was screaming inside the house. I tried the door but it was locked. Pulling out my phone I called 911. Before they even answered Wesley took a step back and kicked the door in.

"Get the cops on the way and wait here." He told me as he ran inside the house.

"911 where's your emergency?" The dispatcher asked calmly.

"I'm at 257 West Brown Street. My best friend lives here and she called me frantic earlier and when I got here the door was locked and she was inside screaming. Please send help." I stammered out.

"Was she in pain or screaming for help?" She asked.

"She was screaming at someone to get away from her I think."

"Is anyone else in the house?" The woman asked.

"I-I don't know. My boyfriend kicked in the door and went to help her. He made me wait outside." I said before catching my lie about Wesley. "There's still screaming. I think her dad's home. He drinks a lot and isn't a very nice man."

"Okay what's your name?"

"Heather Verona." I said. "Wesley Stromberg's my boyfriend and Brooke Nelson is the girl who lives here."

"What's her dad's name?" She asked as I heard the sirens in the distance.

"Paul Nelson." I was crying as I talked. "What do you thinks happening?"

"I don't know but I need you to stay calm okay? The police are on the way and so is a squad." She told me.

"The cops are here." I told her as the car squealed to a stop on the street.

"Okay hang up with me and talk to him." The woman said.

"Thank you." I hung up with her and turned to the officer rushing toward me.

"Who's inside?" He asked.

"My best friend Brooke lives here with her dad Paul. She called and when I got her she was screaming. The door was locked so Wesley kicked it in and went inside." I finished just as Wesley yelled from inside asking if the cops were there yet.

"Don't leave Miss." The cop said to me and went into the house.

I sat down on the porch and let the tears fall. My best friend was inside dealing with God knows what. Wesley was with the cops and I was out here just crying my eyes out. I was only alone a few minutes before Wesley came out and helped me up. He had blood on him but it looked like he'd tried to clean it off. So I ignored it as much as I could.

"We need to go." He said.

"The cop told me to stay put?"

Wes looked at me with compassion and sighed. "We can meet him at the hospital. I just don't think it's a good idea for you to see what happens next, and he agrees. Now please make this easy and come with me."

I started shaking my head. Not as a no but in disbelief. "What happened?" I asked him as I felt the tears stream from my eyes.

Wesley grabbed my hand and pulled me to his car. "I'll tell you in the car but we need to go."

"Is she okay?"

He seatbelted me in and cupped my cheek making me look into his troubled hazel eyes. "Listen Heather, I'm not going to lie because you deserve better than that. Brooke is going to be just fine eventually, but right now she's not too hot."

He closed the door and came around. When he started driving I glanced back at the house just in time to see the squad pull in. They rushed into the house as Wes rounded the corner. I closed my eyes and tried to hold in the tears but I just couldn't do it.

"Heather I'm taking you to the hospital. You can see her once she's settled okay? The police already cleared it. It's going to be okay, but you need to calm down." Wes said looking over at me. "Heather?"

"I heard you. I just can't believe this is happening."

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