Long Weekend

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I was woken up by the sound of a door slamming down the hall. At first I was disoriented, but then I remembered I had slept at Wes's. I sat up and saw on the clock it was after noon. Shit!

"Morning sunshine." Wesley's voice mumbled from the doorway shirtless and with a toothbrush in his mouth. I was trying very hard not to stare. Then he started talking again.  "Noticed you tried to take advantage of me last night."

"What!" I demanded.

He chuckled. "I woke up with you practically on top of me."

I'm sure my face turned red but thankfully Wes turned and went back into the bathroom. When he returned he had on a shirt and looked ready for the day. He looked at me as if he was waiting for something but I was drawing a blank. He hadn't asked anything so why was he just looking at me still?

"Well?" He prompted.

"Well what?" I snapped. I really wasn't much of a morning person.

"Are you going home or moving in?" He asked in the same angry tone.

"Oh," I sighed realizing now that he was just ready to get rid of me. "Yeah, I should get home."

"You're mom should be back right?" He asked.

"I'm not sure. She's working all weekend so it's usually just me and Brooke. If she's not there I can just stay with Emily." I rubbed my eyes.

He seemed pleased with my answer as he nodded. "Don't forget your shoes."

I gathered my dress and shoes off his floor and followed him downstairs. He gave a nod to his little brother in passing. Keaton was a few years younger than us but he seemed like the better Stromberg. He was smart and kind. He'd been dating Dana Hollingshead since the seventh grade and they were real life couple goals.

"Nice shirt." Keaton chuckled as I smiled on my way past him.

I glanced down and saw that the shirt of Wes's I had on said, "the more you drink the better I look". Maybe Keaton wasn't the better brother. Maybe they were both jerks and no one knew it. Or maybe I'm just moody since I haven't ate and I just woke up.

"Thanks." I rolled my eyes and followed Wes to his car.

He drove me back to my house and sadly my mom still wasn't there. The door was still locked and I still didn't have a key. Short of breaking a window the only other option was Emily's house. I got back in the passenger seat and Wes let me use his phone. I called Em and told her I'd be over soon.

"Will you tell Drew to drop Brooke off here too please?" I asked Wes when he pulled into Emily's driveway.

"What am I your secretary?" He ran a hand through his shaggy windblown hair.

"No, but she won't be able to get in my house. I don't have Drew's number or I could tell him, but since you two are friends I thought that-" He held his hand up stopping my blabbering.

"I'll tell him." He chuckled. "See you Monday Heather."

"Bye Wesley, and thanks again." I smiled.

I had a million and one questions to answer from Emily when I got inside. Of course she saw him drop me off, and yes I had on his clothes. No we hadn't slept together, well not sexually anyway. Yes I locked myself out. No it wasn't on purpose. Then when Drew dropped Brooke off it was the same shit all over again.

"Wait a second." Em turned to Brooke finally leaving me alone. "Why weren't you with Heather?"

"Oh I um," she hit her lip. "Drew and I started our project and just wanted to-" I cut her off.

"Bullshit Brooke you guys were doing it at the party."

She actually looked offended. "Is that really what you think of me? I mean you joke about it all the time, and I roll it off my back. Do you guys really think I just screw anyone with a dick?"

Emily was just as taken back as I was with Brooke's outburst. "Of course not." Em assured her. "We're just playing around."

"No!" Brooke stood up throwing her arms in the air as she ranted. "You guys think I'm some kind of whore. You think I sleep around and can't keep my pants on for just one night. Well for your information Drew and I did work on the project. We did NOT sleep together! Oh, and he's super sweet. Even if I'd wanted to sleep with him he'd have been too much of a gentleman to do it."

Emily just stared at her wide eyed not saying a word, but I opened my fat mouth. "Where's this coming from Brooklyn? Why would you think we think you're a whore?"

"You guys say stuff all the time!" She told me. "Anytime I point out attractive guys you guys just jump on me."

I guess she was right but we all pick on each other so what's the deal all of a sudden.

"We'll stop it okay?" Emily asked.

Brooke cut her eyes to Em and nodded. "Sorry I'm snappy. I'm just tired I guess."

I held in my comment about how she was probably tired from her late night with Drew. I also let the whole situation drop about why she was so bothered by our joking around today. Not forever but maybe just for now. For now I just want to hang out with my two best friends and eat junk food while we watch trash tv.

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