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Luna's POV

We arrived at school at 7:46 and we all went our separate ways I went to my lockers when I saw my Best Friend Violet.

"Hey bitch."

"Hey whore."

"So did you hear about Justin Bieber coming to Canada I'm so excited."

"Unfortunately I did." Giving her an annoyed look.

"Why do you hate him so much you don't even know him like have you met him in person."

I stayed quiet, "No."

"See you've never met him so you can't hate him."

"I can do whatever I want and he's a jerk."

"No he's not he is a very nice person." Violet say while closing her locker.

"And he's just a few months older than us, like come on no guy is that handsome and our age."

That's when Jacob came and hugged me from behind.

"Yes there is and he's my boyfriend, Jacob." I turned around and kissed Jacob.

"Eww no he looks like a Burttt Zucchiniiii!!."

"Hey" we both say.

I tried to hold in my laughter. I don't know why Violet hates Jacob so much.

"He's not a Zucchini!."

"Your right he's not a Zucchini he's a Brussel sprout" Violet said.

I can't no more, i started laughing. Omg I love this girl so much.

"OK let's go to class or we will be late and I don't want to get in trouble because of you two arguing."

Violet and I have the same class so we walked together.

When we got to Calculus we sat down next to each other in the back because we don't want to be picked by the teacher because 1. I get nervous a lot and 2. This class is boring because i know all this already Don't Get me wrong i love Math it's just i already know all this since i was in middle school. Yes they did teach this to me in middle school.

Violet started talking about Justin Bieber and how she would love to meet him.

When I zoned out and started thinking about the past.


Luna-8 Justin-9

Me and Justin were going to the park today because he was going to show me something special and i'm so excited. I go downstairs to tell my mom if she can take me out to the park.

"mommy, can you take me to the park to meet justin and the boys pleaseeeee!!!!" i put my hand together and give my mom and big smile.

"ok honey but i don't want you guys messing around and doing pranks on each other ."

"i can't promise that mommy, but come on let's go." i say while grabbing her hand and dragging her towards the door.

"Honey hold your horses it's not like they are going to leave plus we always meet them everyday there."

"ok but hurry justin has something really important to show me mommy."

"now, when did he tell you this?"

"oh at school he told me that he had something to show me and to go early so he can have time to play too."

"ok then lets go, ill tell your dad we are leaving early and to take care of Vero and Ricky."

"ok hurry." i waited and it felt like an hour.

" ok ready."

"i've been ready mommy," i say looking up at her

"oh ok." she chuckles.

At the Park

We arrive at the park and we go to our usual spot and i see Bieber with a older kid. i start running towards him.

"jay" i scream while still running.


"so where are the boys?" looking around.

"oh they didn't come they had to do something."

"oh ok."

"Luna, remember Joseph he's 14 now and he's gonna help me, Joseph, my best friend Luna "

"Hi i remember you, you made fun of justin because he was my friend and you said we will grow up to be together ..whatever that meant?" i say to Joseph.

"yes i do remember that day jaja but hey you guys will, just watch."

"ok whatever" then i look back at Justin "he's gonna help you on what?"

"on your surprise that i'm gonna make for you."

"juju you know i don't like surprises."

"i know but your gonna love this one. See Joseph is gonna stay with us for summer so he told me that if i was still your friend and i was like "um duh" and he said "you guys will be best friends forever and fall for each other and you guys won't even know how or when" whatever that meant so when he said best friends forever i thought of something to do for you so there it is" he moved out of the way and there was a carving on the tree and it had a heart and it said " Luna + Justin = Best Friends Forever."

"wow Juju, i love it" and i hugged him and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

" whoa, NO PDA" said Joseph.

" It's not PDA Joseph" we both said at the same time.

"you guys are very smart for some 9 year olds haha."

"well we aren't little 5 year olds, and we are pretty smart" i say then took at justin with a big smile on my face.

"Whatever ill be right back" he said while walking to a girl that was at the park reading a book.

" Justin" i say turning around to face him.

" Yes Princess?"

" Promise me something ok"

"ok what is it?"

" Promise me that Whatever happens we will be Best Friends Forever and if something bad happens we will come to this tree and remember we are best friends and we will be friends again ok and we will never leave each others side"

"ok I Promise."

" Cross your heart and hope to die, Promise me you'll never leave my side."

"Cross my heart and hope to die, i Promise i'll never leave your side" he says while crossing his heart and giving me his pinky. we pinky promise and smile at each other then me hug and start laughing.

Flashback ends

Violet is shaking me and I come back to reality. I feel a tear coming down my cheek.

"Hey what's wrong?"

Hey loves you guys wait Justin will be here soon OK just be patient, love you all

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