Chapter 18

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"I"m fine now let me see your schedule...."

He handed it to me and i scanned it.

We had 2 classes together.


I Have to see him twice oh and also we have the same lunch schedule.

Our school is very big and has a lot of kids so we have two lunches. Lunch A and Lunch B.

I have Lunch B and so does he.

"Hey were you ok in there?"referring to the restroom thing.

"Yea I'm fine, don't worry about me."

"... We have 2 classes together..."handing him back his papers

"Realy that's dope!"



Ok now we have drifted back to that awkward silence!

We walk around for a while and i didn't really talk much.

I didn't know what to say to him.

What do you say to your old best friend who left you and 5 years later comes back and you have to give him a tour to you school!!!!?

Yup. I don't know either

Sooo. I was actually getting really tired of the silence so i ACTUALLY started to give him a tour!

"So umm. Every little section in this school is a subject and each class is a grade, so there is four rooms. If you're lost to what subject it is. There will always be a sign right next to the first room/wall indicating which subject you are on....."

"Some classes are mashed up, so this means there are students from every grade in there. But Mostly every class you have people with are in your grade..."

We head to the middle of the school where there is a big grassy place with seats and tables to hang out.

".. So the far left side of this patio is mostly freshmans and sophomores. The rest is juniors and senior. I recommend not going to the far left. They are literally so lost every time and really want to be your friend just to tell other freshmans they are friends with senior. It's really funny." i say letting out a giggle and covering my mouth.

I look up at him and he is smiling just looking at me.

" really damn, that was actually my plan for this year i wanted to be in there. Make some freshy friends." he said sarcastically.

"You know you are technically also a freshy.." we both chuckled

We smile at each other and we stayed like this for a minute.

Not gonna lie i actually enjoyed this moment.

I broke the stare and walked some more.

We talked for a few minutes and it was actually not awkward at all.

But we didn't talk about the past.

I was still mad at him. I still hated him.

But i was enjoying this moment and i hated myself for that.

A few minutes passed and my phone ringed!


I answered


"Hey babe, where are you? I was looking for you in class and you are not here. It's not like you to ditch?"

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