The JB?

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Luna's POV

I went out to the hall to call my mom to see if i can stay.

I hope she says no.

It's not that i don't want to stay here it's because i'm not ready to tell Violet about me and Justin, she might not believe me and she'll tell me i'm a big fat liar, but here it goes...

"Hello Honey is that you?"

"Yes mom, its me."

"Oh ok when are you coming home it's getting late already."

"About that umm i was thinking if i can have a sleepover at violet's.

Her parents are not here they're still working and she doesn't want to be left alone so can i mom, please."

"Alright just because Violet is alone and because your brother left to hang out with his friends also but honey i want you to come first thing tomorrow to see that you're ok."

" OK mom I'll do that and thank so much your the best i love you bye."

"Bye Honey have fun" I hung up and start walking up to violets room.

Here goes nothing i'm about to tell her something that i've never told anyone and that i have not brought up in 4 years.

Here goes nothing.

I enter the room and Violet has already changed and fixed our beds.

It's like she already knew my mom was gonna say yes.

"Wow you made everything like if you knew my mom was gonna say yes."

"Well i know your mom and she loves me so of course she was gonna say yes."

"Whatever you say. i'll go change and tell you my story."

I went into the restroom and she already had some volleyball sorts and a tank top that were mine, set for me to wear.

When i was done i made my hair into a messy bun and i just washed my face and went outside to see violet with some snacks of course my favorite "sour patch kids".

Also not to mention DONUTS❤ were there and some magazines and her computer which i believe Friends was on.

One of my favorite shows.

She knows how to make me happy.

I go and sit down on the floor where everything is set up.

"Hey Bitch."

"Sup Whore come on sit down and tell me what you had to say."

My hands where getting sweaty and i was getting really nervous.

"Well here it comes."

I take a deep breath and look up at her.

She was already looking at me ready to listen to my story about him.

"Violet remember when i moved here when i was 14 and i didn't have any friends then you came along and i never wanted to hang out with you but then you forced me so that's how we became best friends?"

"Ya i remember you always used to get away from me and you used to tell me that you never wanted a friend because they are all fake and they lie to you .. good old times jaja."

"Well before i came to this place, i lived not far way from here but i went to another school and i never had friends that were girls i grew up with just being friends with boys. I had 3 best friend that were boys but there was this one kid that i was best friends since i was born because he was 9 months older than me and he actually knew me since birth.

Not like the other kids that i met at school, no this kid knew everything about me and we always used to hang out every day at the park and he knew all my secrets and i knew all his secrets, he was my one true friend."

"Ok this story is interesting but what does all this have to do with you hating Justin Bieber."

" His Name was Justin..." but i couldn't finish because she cut me off.

"ohh that's why you hate Justin because that one friend Justin did something to you so u hate anyone named Justin."

"You didn't let me finish the kid that was my best friend, his name was Justin Bieber.

Believe it or not I was best friends with THE Justin Bieber."

i shut my eyes close and waited for her reaction.


AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Guys Luna is telling violet about Justin....What do you guys think her reaction is going to be ..Also are you guys enjoying the story hope you guys are and there is many more stuff to come and i hope you guys like it bye loves❤❤

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