Chapter 23

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I didn't feel like getting up today to leave to school.

I didn't want to face justin.

All last Night that was the only thing i thought about. About what he said.

About why he never said goodbye.

Could that be true?

All this years that was the only thing i thought about.

I just thought about me

I thought he left me because he didn't care.

Turns out he did.

He cared about me more than i thought

Could this be true.

That was all i thought about last night and what I'm thinking right now.

I can't go to class and face him. I'll feel stupid.

I head to my closet and wear some light jeans with a floral over the shoulder shirt and my converse.

I head out and to school.

As i'm grabbing my stuff from the car, i see him entering the school gates.

His eyes immediately find mine.

I don't know what to do. Should i smile? Roll my eyes? Talk to him?

He beat me to it and broke eye contact and walked out of my sight!

Why do i feel like this?

I feel hurt.


Today has been a long day and such a blur to be honest.

I don't remember anything. Even 2 teachers called me out on day dreaming and so did the guys at lunch.

There is one more class until we leave and the time couldn't go any slower.

I head inside art class and bring my drawing. I didn't know what to draw after what happened with justin.

My mind was in blank but right when i was gonna give up. Memories came back all of them involving Justin.

So i decided to draw something that means so much to me.

Our Tree.

*Credits to the artist!*

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*Credits to the artist!*

Of course not exactly how it is but i wanted that tree to be the only thing as well as the moon.

I sit down on my seat waiting to see what everyone else drew, especially Justin.

I dift off of my thoughts when justin walks in laughing with jessica. One of the nicest girls in school.

I couldn't stop looking at them. What are they laughing about?

He sees me for a second but continues to talk to her.

As i was about to smile at him for the first time since he moved here. He turns his head to jessica and they sit together. Across the room.

Is he doing this on purpose?

Ok Luna stop.

Don't start to feel like you need to be friends with him just because of what he told you yesterday.

It doesn't matter if what he said was a lie or not. He still left. Stop feeling like you hated him for no reason.

Don't change how you feel luna!

As class started everyone showed their drawings and stories which most of them were amazing.

I didn't know we had to present them!

I would've drawn something else, something less meaningful.

It was my turn and i was sweating. Why did i have to come today!?

Did i tell you i'm really bad a presentations?

Well i am!!!!

I grab my drawing and head in front of the class.

How do teachers do this. Every student's eyes are on them.

I feel weird. I start to sweat!

"Luna, show us your drawing and tell us why you drew that!?"

I can't!!

Someone grabs my attention in the class.


He knows how i am in presentations and he has always helped me in them, to just relax.

He gets up and head my way. He puts both his hands on my neck.

He smiles at me and tells me to breath and tells me other things that relax my muscles and gets my nervousness out of my body.

He sees that I'm relax and tells me good luck and heads to his seat.

I smile and thank him. I pick up my drawing to show everyone.

"This is my drawing... I drew this because this tree means a lot to me. There is a meaning with this tree and whenever i'm upset or anytime actually i head to this tree. Even though it's far from my house. It was there in my childhood..."

I didn't get into why that tree means to me because not everyone needs to know!

As i head to sit everyone claps and justin heads to the front.

He shows his drawing. Did i mention we has always been amazing at drawing. Well he has!!

He explains his drawing.

The thing that meant something in his childhood...his Best Friend and him

"Always together, my childhood memories with her were so beautiful and will never be replaced. Unfortunately we don't speak anymore, but i just want her to know. The memories were the best of my life."

I see his left eye water. As does mine. Why!?

He shows the Picture and Every one claps!

He shows the Picture and Every one claps!

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*Credits to the artist!*

He heads to his seat but not once did he ever look up at me!

I sigh and grab my stuff and put them in my backpack as the bell rings indicating school is over.

Also today is the last day of school and now starts winter break.

Kill me now.

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