Chapter 22

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So my family, Justin and Pattie have been at the kitchen table for a while now.

Pattie and my mom are next to each other, my mom is next to my dad, Sebastian is next to him, I'm next to sebas, then it's ricky and vero and of course justin.

Pattie has been talking to my mom and dad for a while now, my siblings to each other and well Justin and i have been quiet.

He's right in front of me and he sometimes steals glances.

Staring problems much? I was waiting for him to look up at me, he did about 10 seconds later. As he did so i gave him a "what do you want?" look. He shakes his head and began to eat again.

"So luna, how's school? Any boys?" said pattie, now looking up at me.

I finish my food i had in my mouth, whipe my mouth and smile at her, "it's actually really great, and yea his name is Jacob."

She give me a small smile and then looks at Justin then back at me and then down her plate, "well That's great sweetheart, how long have you guys been together?" justin gives her a look, "mom, stop with these questions."

I look at justin and tell him it's okay.

"We'll actually be 2 years this Sunday." i smile at her, but justin and her look shook.

"Wow, sweetheart that's so cute. Are you guys planning on doing anything?"

So many questions!!

"We don't know yet, i do have a surprise for him and i don't know if he does for me."

Justin looks at me," well then he would be dumb if he didn't plan anything."

I give him a small smile and thank him.

We continued talking and eating but not once did i talk to Justin. He did try to talk but I'll either acted like i didn't hear or talk to someone else.

As we finished we picked up our dishes and thank my mom for the food.

We all sat on the couch ones again and decided to watch a movie.

I head upstairs because i really had to finish my homework.

I excused myself and really no one was paying attention, they were all into the movie.

I head upstairs and see that it's 9 o'clock.

I head to my restroom to remove all my make up and take another shower.

About 10 minutes later i head out of the shower and change my clothes and do my Night routine.

I head out to my room but was surprised when i saw him sitting in my bed.

Justin bieber was sitting in my bed!

I look around, confused. " what do you want?"

"Can you not be so cold towards me please?"

I scoffed.

"I can do whatever i want, now get out of my room!" i point to the door.

He stands up and comes my way.

"Do you really want me to?"

"Yes!! I do now, leave!! I don't want to see you"

"Luna, please."

"Leave, what don't you get of, i never want to see you!"


"Because.....I HATE YOU..." tears started forming in my eyes.

"...I hate you so much, you left without says goodbye. Do you not understand. I hate you." tears start falling so much.

" you don't." he said grabbing both my arms

"Shut up...Shut up...Shut Up!! I hate you"

"Luna, I'm sorry."

"I hate you..." i say hitting his chest

I push him really hard that he almost falls but he grabs onto the bed to get balance.

I pointed to myself with tears everywhere. My vision was really blurry, "i felt like i was never gonna be happy again, you were my everything, my favorite person..." i say the last parts really low and out of breath

"...and every day it got worse and worse, i couldn't miss you anymore, i didn't want to. And..YOU Never even said goodbye."

"After all we've been through, i couldn't believe that, that was how you wanted to leave things between us." my feeling my hurt my hate all came out and i slid down my wall and sat on the floor.


I could hear his feet going back and forth in the room.

He finally spoke after a few minutes,
"You really thought i didn't say goodbye to you because i didn't care?"
He says pointing to himself.

I get up and look at him.

"...that's what it seemed like!" i say with a serious/don't care look but still tears in my eyes.

"I could not believe that after those 13 years of knowing each other and being Bestfriends, you do not know one thing about me!"

"Then why didn't you say anything to me, you had me waiting in the park for hours, thinking there was something wrong?"

"...Because it was too damn hard, luna. I couldn't even begin to explain to you on how much i was gonna miss you, when i thought about not seeing you every day i made me not want to go.." he says now i tears. And walking towards me to wipe mine away. if you think that i didn't say goodbye to you because you didn't mean as much to me as everyone else, you're wrong, its because you meant more to me. So there i said it, That is the reason why i didn't say goodbye." he wipes a tear and storms out of the room shutting the door real hard behind him...

So there was the reason why justin didn't say goodbye to luna. I actually didn't know where to put this "argument" so i just decided to put it here. If it sounds real bad, I'm sorry lol. Hope you guys liked it!

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