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1 Week later

I couldn't tell violet about Justin because I didn't have time or either she interrupted me whenever I tried to tell her, so I eventually gave up.

Today is THE DAY.

Yup today we will see Justin at his concert.

I'm really not excited because he acted like a jerk at the mall and I just don't want to see him again.

I'm at Violet's house because her brother was gonna take us to the concert.

Plus she wanted to do my make-up so Justin can see how beautiful I am.

Which I don't really like the idea.

"STOP moving Luna, you have to look beautiful today" she grabs my face and make me look at her.

"So you're saying that I don't look beautiful without makeup?" I look up at her with a sad face then I look down disappointed.

"No, I didn't mean it like that I just. you would look way way more beautiful than you are"

She grabbed a chair that was near her and looked at me concerned.

I started to laugh and look at her confused face.

"I'm joking around Violet I'm not sad. And thanks for saying I look beautiful without makeup. Even though its not true."

I turn around to look at myself in the mirror and wonder how people actually see me.

Why do people say I'm beautiful.

I don't see anything beautiful about me.

I just see so much flaws.

"Don't say you are not beautiful because you are and we are not gonna have this argument again"

We always have this argument whenever she calls me beautiful or i call her .

I go back to the topic of me looking "beautiful" for Justin.

"Why. It's not like he will see me anyways"

"I don't care. What if he does. Do you want him to look at how beautiful you are"

"Well I don't know and i really don't care"

"Yes you do. So now go change and put on your outfit you got at the mall"

I went inside Violet's restroom.

And I love her restroom I literally want this for my own house plus it smells really good.

Its weird that I'm saying a restroom smells good.

I chuckled.

I undressed myself and I was only in a bra and panties.

I was about to put my jeans on when...

"Violet hurry up we are gonna be late for the conc-..." Jason says while opening the restroom door.

"OMG Jason" I drop my jeans and I cover my self with a towel that was on the shelf.

"Wow, Luna I'm so sorry"

"No, it's okay"

" I would say i regret opening the door but, damn i really don't"

I blush

"Aww you look cute when you blush"

Is he really saying all this stuff while I'm half naked at his sister's restroom.

"Jason OK thanks about all this but i need to change, so I need you to leave"

"Right. See you gorgeous"

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