Chapter 19

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So lunch A just finished so that meant that it's lunch b's turn.

Which to tell you I'm very excited i haven't eaten since last night and i could eat a whole cow right now.

Justin and i have had a bonding thing while I was showing the school but I'm still mad at him and i will keep being mad at him.

As the bell rang.

I look up at justin.

"Well i guess this is goodbye. I have finished our tour around school. I hope you enjoy being here. And make lots of friends." i say as I'm heading out the door.



I turn around.


"Can i have ummm. Lunch with you?"
He says scratching his neck.


"Umm, actually i think I'll be having lunch with Jacob today." i give him a small smile.

"...Jacob? ohh right your boyfriend"

Why is this awkward!??

"Right. Sorry, well i hope my Bestfriend has a great time with her boyfriend."

I roll my eyes.

"I'm not your Bestfriend but thank you!" i head out.

I know, i know. I might be a bitch about all this but i can't just forgive him and act like nothing happend!!

Just put yourself in my shoes!!! What would you do? Just forgive him?? And act like nothing happend?

Noo right!!

I was heading towards my locker when someone hugged me from behind!

"Hey babe!" he kissed my cheek

I turn around and admire his beauty!

Perfect face shape, Thick eyebrows, Beautiful green eyes... I can go on and on!! But damn he's so good looking!!

I smile at him and give him a kiss.

"Hey Baby. How are you?"

"I'm better, now that I'm with you... So how was giving the tour to that bieber guy."

"It was okay i guess" i shrugged

He grabs my face.

"Don't tell me your falling for him as all the others"

"Ewww, of course not. I'm not a fan of him at all." i give him a peck and walk toward the cafeteria.

He laughs!

"Well actually he is kinda cute" i say while i look up like i was thinking!

Jacob smile turns into a frown. And let's go of my hand.

I laugh...


"I was just kidding, baby!!!! Stop I'm serious" i ran up to him and start kissing him all over!

He tries his best not to smile but ends up failing!

"You sure!?"

"100%" i kiss him.

We head inside the cafeteria and grab our lunch.

As we sat down together. Our friends had to come as well!

Really like can't i have a little moment with my boyfriend alone!!

As i said all our friends came.
Zayne, Damion, Ryan, Violet, And of course Ryan's girlfriend, Samantha.

"Hey" they all say in sync

I look up at them and smile.

We all ate our lunch in peace. When the doors busted open and screaming girls came from there.

Of course it had to be the one and only justin bieber.

I look up at the crowd and roll my eyes.

Why. Did i have to do that. Now justin somewhat found me in this crowd and gave me a "help me please" look.

I try to ignore him and turn to look at Jacob.

"Justin, over here!!!" yelled ryan!

I shoot him a look and he just smirks at me.

I look in front of me and smile at Jacob.

"So babe, any plans for tonight?" he says biting into his pizza

Do I?

"No, i don't, got anything planned for us?"

"Yea, get ready tonight I'll pick yo-"
He got interrupted by The one and only.

"Heyy, thanks for saving me. I don't know where i would've sat" he chuckles.

We all look up at him. He literally has kiss marks all over his face. Like the ones you see in the movies. Yup just like that.

"My boy, i need to know your ways. I mean i get girls but not like that." ryan chuckles.

As he said that. Samantha hit his arm.

I giggled and covered my mouth.

I might like her after all.

They all introduced themselves and smiled at Justin.

All the girls headed off and acted like nothing Happend at all and we all ate in peace until the next class.


All of us head our separate ways and i walked to my locker to grab my books.

"Luna....Luna" a voice yells from like miles away.

I turn around and see justin running up to me.

"You... Walk... Too ... Fast!" he says catching his breath.

This dude exaggerates. I literally walked like 20 steps.


"I remember we have the same class. Art!"



"Well i was wondering if we can walk together?"

"I guess." might as well.

We were in complete silence the whole walk.

As we walked inside the class, all eyes were on us.

I head to my seat. And Justin stays talking to the teacher.

They laugh and she points besides me.

He thanks her and looks my way.

"Well i guess we will be partners!"


"So exciting" i say in sarcasm

"You know i know when you are being sarcastic right!?"

I smile at him and turn around.

"Well class, today. We will be drawing Something that reminds us of our childhood." she says, "anything, it doesn't matter. If you don't finish today you can turn it in tomorrow!"

"Get started" she smiles.

Everyone starts drawing immediately.


I don't know what to draw what!!??

.... A few minutes pass by and i look over at Justin's and he is almost half way done..


I look over at mine and well it's all white.....

I don't know what to draw!!

I don't know any thing that reminds me of my childhood!

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