Miss Will?

136 4 1

Justin's POV:

6:00 am.

Just 5 more minutes.

I haven't woken up this early years ago.

1st day as a new student. Also that hasn't happend in years! The school thing!!

I woke up.

Looking for the shirt i wore yesterday.

I smelled it and yup it's still clean!

I put it on and sat back to bed, checking my social medias as usual.

I love my fans. I really do, they support me so much. I love them.

4 unread messenges

Mom, Scooter, Ryan, Selena

Mom: hey honey, i left home early. Had to go shopping for food. I left you some eggs downstair. Hope you like them. Good luck on your first day!

I finished reading it and headed downstairs to eat!

Justin: hey mom yea it's totally fine and yea I'm eating them right now and they are delicious! Thanks again i love you!


Scooter: hey kid. I know it's your first day at school but don't forget, You have to be careful got it. Also i need you to come to the new studio after school. I'll sent you the address later!

Justin: yea i got it thanks. And you I'm a big boy scooter! Yea I'll leave around 3 so send it to me then!


I then got up and got ready to leave! Got my keys and started to head out!

Ryan: Broo!! Hey you will be studying at the same school as i am right? Also ummm luna studies here too just want to tell you that lol. I'll see you at school!

Justin: yea I'll be studying at the school! Are you serious? Why didn't you tell me earlier. I will finally see her again. I can't wait!. Yea ill see you there bro.

Selena: hey justy, babe, i really miss you i wish i was with you right now ugh!!! Anyway hope your first day is good! I want to hear all about it later! Call me and i love you, bye

Justin: hey sel, yea i wish you were here too but I'm fine. Thank you, yea I'll call you later, bye

I headed off the school.

I had a huge smile on my face, the whole time! I can't believe luna studies at the same school.

I can finally see her beautiful face again.


Justin what are you thinking!!!

Stop thinking of her.

She doesn't want to know anything about you!!

Ugh i can't, it's just those beautiful eyes i fell for when i was younger.

There are still there! A bit broken but still there!

I'll finally see her again!


I arrived at school, put my glasses and was searching for the principals office.

Well it's been 5 minutes and i haven't found it yet.

I saw a girl who looked around my age.

I headed towards her to ask!

She was really nice and really shy

I said goodbye to her and head to the office which was right in front of me.

I'm such an idiot!

A few minutes go by and the principal comes out of his offices and greets me.

"Mr. Bieber so nice to finally meet you and such a pleasure have you attending this school, I'm Mr. H."

"No sir the pleasure is all mine, i just hope i have an amazing senior year here"

"Oh of course you will. No doubt about that"

"Yea, well i got kinda lost coming here" i chuckled

"Oh ok so you're probably gonna need someone to show you around" he says while looking on the computer

"Umm, sure that would be nice, that way i won't end up in the wrong builing or so."

I guess he found someone because he smiled and looked at me then started to call someone.

"Hello Mr. Hunter it's, Mr H..."

"...yea i would love for you to bring Miss.Will, with all her stuff to the office. Thank you"

Miss. Will??


No it can't be her.

Luna Will??

My Luna??


I hear a door open

"Hello, Luna, what can i help you wit-..."

"It's fine, mrs. G, I called her up. Thank you"

She came and i heard her beautiful voice again.

This was my luna.

I sat in the furthest seat and tried to cover my face

She can't can't know it's me until later.

Luna and Mr H talked for a few minutes and then they said my name.

I'm gonna finally see her again.

I slowly look her way and....

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